
My friend is pregnant with...?

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her cousin's baby. Don't ask. She is being so annoying after I said "Ewww, what the h**l?" when she first told me. I have since apologized, but now she wants to marry him!!!

I think that's totally wrong. What do I do?




  1. I don't think most states will allow this,  I would help her check with local laws.  You can also go with er to doctor visits and make sure she gets every test possible for disorders and what not.  And then educate herself about them if need well as educate her about incest and the dangers.

  2. My instinctive response would be the same as yours, but in most countries first cousin marriage is legal so in that sense they haven't done anything wrong.

    You can't control who you fall in love with, and if they've decided to start a family and spend their lives together then I think they would benefit more from friendship than judgement. No doubt their family will be equally concerned about their relationship. I think all you can do is decide if you want to remain friends with her... if you do, then it may mean putting your personal feelings into the background.

  3. ehh.. Tell her to go to Louisiana. There it is still legal to marry your first cousin..

        But.. still I see what your saying. I am guessing she is older then 18?

            She should speak with a pastor or her parents or someone.


    Interesting link Bones. Even though from a rational point of view I understand the data, and much of it does make sense.

    But even rational thought gives way to cultural stigma's from time to time. It is just a big "eww" factor in the USA for some reason.

      Probably was created by the elite so people from different European ethnicity's would mix more in America.

  4. dont do anything....its legal to marry ur cousin. Im suprised to voiced ur dissaprival so strongly, it must have been pretty insulting to her, its her baby after all, and probaby the biggest news of her life ....and you go "eeeewwww"? that is really insensitive.

    just because you wouldnt do it, dosent mean all u friends have to follow your ways, unless you want clones of urself.

    In friendship hopefully you can accept eachother, tolerate eachothers differences, even though you may not feel the same way on an issue. In this case, having sexual relations with a cousin.

    But like I said, its not illegal, she is quite free to marry him....what can u possibly say?

  5. If you're cousins, you not that closely related anyway.

  6. Eh. There's nothing wrong with that. It's probably legal where you come from. While you're at it, why don't you get married to your dog? It could be a double wedding. Pretty cool, rite?

    h**l, I'd go. That's something to see right there.

  7. Go back and apologize for apologizing.  "Ewww, what the h**l" is the appropriate response.

  8. Jerry Lee Lewis would disagree with you. What I would do? It's none of my business, and I'd treat it as such.

  9. What is your problem with that???...

  10. What do I think?

    That its none of your business.

  11. It's illegal to marry first cousin's in the US.   Meaning if the "young man" parent is brother or sisters with one of her parents.  She Cant!

    Umm's not illegal everywhere.

    "Fact: 26 states allow first cousin marriages; Most people can marry their cousin in the US."

    ok I'm with you Ewww what the h**l.

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