
My friend is really getting me mad?

by  |  earlier

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she pretends to be mad at me n says its a joke after ( like she will spread gossip that i called someone a bi*** n i didnt) plus she will be the first one to burst my secrets, takes away my "crushes" ,Tries to be my friend because of what i have butif i tell her how i feel she will find a way to make the whole school hate me what do i do?!




  1. if i were you..i'd talk to her..let her know how you feel..just dont hurt her feelings or something..i have a friend like that.. i just stayed away from her

  2. tell her to stop being a princess bit*h. stop telling her your secrets and who are are crushing on...clearly, she is not your friend and if you continue to let her treat you this way, she will never know how wrong she is and will never learn- speak up for yourself and i doubt the rest of the school would believe her- chances are, this is not a first and someone else may step up

  3. shes a ***** herself :D tell your parents and they could phone hers and sort thinga work, if this doesn't work, try talking to your head teacher or a friend you can rely on, if none of this works, then do what she done to you right back to her :D

  4. this girl is not your friend find someone else and stop telling your secrets to your so called friends

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