
My friend is smoking?!?!?

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my friend (who will stay anonymous) is smoking. she goes over to her neighbors house and to get a smoke. she says she has ATLEAST 2 a week, but usually she would have 5 per day. Im scared for her, i dont want her to turn out unhealthy, we are best friends. ps: SHE IS TWLEVE!!!!

Shes offered me a cigarette (but she never pressures me, if I say no i dont want one she'll just go Ok) everytime i say no cuz i know what it can do.

I know its her life, but im doing this AS HER FRIEND. I dont want her to mess up her life.

Help please. maybe give me some of the worst dangers of smoking. thankyou...




  1. Whoa, this should be illegal for a 12 year old kid to smoke.  Tell your friend that smoking can cause you to have lung cancer or throat caner earlier at her life, her fertility will decrease and will be increasing risks of her fertility.  She will have frequent coughing because of the tobacco she is taking.  And so many horrible stuff.

  2. leave her your better off without stupid friends;...

  3. tell her parents. she will prob be way pissed at you but this could also save her butt from a lot of trouble in the future :p

  4. print out a picture of some really nasty looking lungs and tell her thats what your lungs are gonna look like

  5. You can just tell her the risks of smoking, and let her know how much you care about her health.

    Tell her you would rather she not smoke.

    In the end its all up to her, and there is nothing you can do to make her do the right thing.

    but dont get mad at her, that might make her just not want to even be your friend AND continue smoking.

    also, it causes lung cancer, nasty teeth, nasty hair, nasty nails, it causes you to age faster (and not in the good way), it makes your breath stink, your clothes will smell like body odor mixed with smoke.

    its all over gross.

  6. Explain to her how this is affecting you... If she is YOUR BEST FRIEND.. She'll quit for you.  

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