
My friend is thinking of doing steriods should she?

by Guest44865  |  earlier

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she is a pro boxer and wants the edge, it doesn't have any effect on a woman if she is fully grown right?




  1. only if she wants to be a man.

  2. no she should not. firstly it is illegal, secondly it is against the rules, and thirdly it is bad for you. Steroids cause damage to the kidneys and liver as well as to the mind causing "roid rage" and depression. Furthermore steroids only make pre-existing muscle bigger by puffing them up. This therefore puts lots of strain on your muscles. It will give you temporary more power but won't help your conditioning. athletes who take steroids have more power but run out of gas quicker. There is a new supplement out which I only just started using which is aimed to be much better than steroids but also is an all natural supplement with none of the bad side affects of steroids. I have used it for only a week and here are some results I have seen... better sleep, even better recovery time from training, and some longer stamina. If the product is true to its word then it in facts helps create new muscle rather than just puffing up old muscles which leads to better power and more energy. search on google for it. it is called stemulite. tell her to talk to her doctor about it as she should for every supplement she takes. and lastly do whatever you can to discourage her from doing drugs.

  3. No, they mess you up for life, seen a few people in person wthat utilized them and not a good choice.  Read up on the side effects, especially being a boxer, do it natural, many compete naturally why cheat?

  4. NO, tell her to look up"Chris Benoit" and she will change her mind.

  5. no it will affect her health.

  6. I don't think she should do that. It may help you perform better, but they have dangerous side effects.

  7. no its bad for your health

  8. work out regular  man,  cause they  are comming  down  on athletes look how  much  trouble barry bonds  is in

  9. I thought if they take steroids they become more masculine, im serious.

  10. If it's a guy then let him. one less man for u to compete with. but it ur girl buddy so tell her no. If pro box dont work out there is always acting carrer.

  11. IF this is a serious question:

    There is an anabolic stersoid a woman can take that would give her the 'edge' she is looking for.  It is called fluoxymestosterone.  It is a prescription drug- and can be prescribed by most physicians who deal with women's medical needs.

    There are side effects, such as a deepened voice, occurances of hirsutism, dramatically increased or decreased libido.  It may cause certain external reproductive organs to swell- but that is not permanent.

    Most drugs men take for performance enhancement has adverse affects on females.  This is in large part due to the male/female horomonal differences.  When Marion Jones was busted for performance enhancing drugs, if you noticed it was a cocktail of drugs specifically desined for a woman and those same drugs were not used by men who went the same route.  Men see vast  improvements in many areas from HGH and HGH derivitives. At this time HGH and HGH derivitives are not detectable in drug testing.

    The particular drug I mentioned is the single most affective for women trying to gain an unfair advantage, but is generally unknown outside the medical community simply because of the side effects.  Heavy usage for six months and a woman's voice will be about the same had she chain smoked for 20 years.

    Finally it is on the list of banned substances for professional female boxers.  It is easily detected, and any referee, official, or ringside doctor could probably notice the side effects of the drug, alert the athletic commission person assigned to the event and have the woman tested after the fight.

  12. of course it will it will alter he genetics.. if ses over 25 have her get HGH (human growth hormone) in the pill form plus its not illegal if she gets caught with roids her life might be over

  13. EWWW!! She's gonna look like a man. Yuck!

  14. It will shrink her testicles and give her "bacne"(acne on her back)

  15. Hope she likes a big bad beard and shrunken **** and a deep voice. I wouldnt recomend any woman (whos not a lezbian) take roids.

    Plus its illegal in boxing. She coulds get fined and suspended.

  16. No. its bad for your health, its cheating, and woman look ugly when they're all muscular and what not

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