
My friend is trying to overdose on advil, is that possible?

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so my friend told me she's going to try to overdose on advil... how much does it actually take to do that?

and myother friend said its impossible to overdose on anti-depressants... is that true?

and don't say help you friend.... i already know that im going to get her help.




  1. Take away the pills and call the suicide hot line

  2. yes it is very possiable, however if he is trying to overdose on something that isnot going to kill him it should still be a problem, becasue of the fact that he is trying

  3. Liver failure is in your friends future. Very hard on the body. The liver is the filter that will have to absorb the advil. its not a quick death either. Get some help by telling a parent

  4. You can overdose on Advil and Tylenol. They both affect your kidneys and liver in different ways. Too much can cause your kidneys and liver to fail. Tell your friend it is not a fun way to "overdose" or die. I had a friend who says she "accidentally" took too much Tylenol but we all knew she meant to do it. She ended up in the hospital with kidney failure. She was in such bad shape, her other organs were starting to fail as well. After a long time in the hospital, she finally pulled through.

    It is not completely impossible to overdose on anti-depressants although it could take a very long and painful time to die and other factors would have to be in play. There are several medications that if taken with alcohol could kill you.

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