
My friend is whipped!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I have a friend who I used to hang out with all the time, but now, since he's got a girlfriend, he's spending all his time with her. I'm supposed to help him sand, prime, and re-paint his truck, and in return, he's gonna help me fix the brakes on my car, but he's sorta put all that aside for his girlfriend. And a bunch of us went to see a movie, and he was texting with his girlfriend throughout the whole movie. Every 5 minutes, I'd see the light of his phone in the corner of my eye.

I have met his girlfriend, and I have nothing against her. She's totally awesome, and they seem right for eachother, but what can I say or do about this? We do hang out rarely, but all the time, he's either talking about her, or texting her.

First of all, he needs to get his truck finished before winter, and second, I want my ****** brakes done, without spending a fortune by taking them into a shop and getting hosed by some crook mechanic.

And I want my buddy back!




  1. Well, if he's whipped I'm afraid there's nothing you can do. A lot of 'men' are like that as soon as they have gfs they become little slaves for them. I wish I could slap them. Soon she will have a leash on his neck. Find another friend who's a real man.

  2. First of all let him know how you feel about this. Tell him that you miss being with him and having fun. Then let him know that you need your brakes done. But think about it this way, wouldn't you be mad if you wanted to see the person you dating but that person chooses his or her friends over you. Its kind of how it goes when your in a relationship. But I kind of think that it's cute that he thinks about his girlfriend but that doesn't mean he has to be texting her while watching a movie. Maybe you should let him know that his girlfriend isn't his whole life. He needs to get out of the love daze and wake up and see that he has other things that are important as well. And that is you as well, if he is your friend he should be helping you out just like it was before. And make sure to let him know that you miss him.

    Good Luck,


  3. well if one of my friends

    was being like that

    i would make fun of him for it

    like turn it into a joke

    call him p***y whipped

    they would most likely deny it

    then just throw the evidence

    like the txtn thru the whole movie

    and stuff like that

    make sure to throw in his truck

    not being done and stuff

    but joking around about not all serious

  4. ok ur priority here is ur brakes. i can't think of anything but here's one suggestion. since he's stuck like glue to his girl, offer to take them both out and half way, tell him u need to go to the workshop to fix the brake. and then ask him if he cud fix it there and then. if he does, gud for you. mission accomplished. but if he says he'll do it other time, u take advantage of his girl and ask her to ask him to fix it for you. as for him being inseparable with her, well this is just a phase. i'm sure he must have just met her and the luvs just blooming. wait till few weeks or months, when he's fed up of her, when she's start clinging to him and control him, he'll coming running back to you. so just wait. it's just a phase cos in the beginning of a relationship, they'll be like glue, stuck together but after some time they glue will wear off, and the grip will be loosen and voila u'll have ur old buddy back

  5. 1. i think you love him

    2. you should go and tell him that you need some of his time for you too

    3. if he is angry, then show yourself you don't care and then he will be ashamed and come back and say sorry

  6. It almost sounds like the state of the brakes on your car are way more important to you than the happiness of someone you consider a good friend.

    You say the girl is awesome and the two of them are great for each other, so why is it difficult for you to understand that the guy is totally into her at the moment? Maybe because you've not yet been in that sort of relationship?

    What you're describing is a very common occurrence. I went to university as a mature student and watched it happen repeatedly among the early-twenties crowd. Every time, the abandoned buddies would shake their heads, feel a bit hurt and give the love-struck guy a hard time on the rare occasions he put in an appearance. But those same guys treated their friends the same way when love whacked them over the head.

    If your friend is really a friend and if he has any sense, he will soon recognise that he needs male friends in his life as well as the girl and he'll regain a bit of emotional balance in his life. But he needs _good_ friends in his life: friends who accept that people go through changes and their priorities shift, sometimes in ways that friends from an earlier point find stupid, annoying or inconvenient until they find a way to accept their new relationship.

    If you really want your buddy back, you need to make sure you remain a buddy. Make a point of keeping in touch, make d**n sure you don't alienate his girlfriend and allow him this short period of blissful obsession. If his life is like those of most people, the real world and all its problems will reassert itself soon enough, he'll realise that the girl is not perfect, she'll see the same about him and then he'll need a good friend to talk to.

    You may well go down that same path yourself some day.

    As for your brakes, maybe you have another friend who can help? Or maybe you need to get out there and find a awesome girl who's into car maintenance!

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