
My friend is wicked mad at me?

by  |  earlier

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I'm going into my freshman year (woohoo!) and I made the j.v volleyball team (there is no freshman team). About 7 freshmen made it.

Anyway, my friend didn't make it and she's really pissed off. (She wasn't really good...) She now thinks that I didn't deserve to make it, and that she did. I'm really hurt that she told me that, and I don't know if I should apologize or just ignore her.

Thanks so much!




  1. its not your fault you made it and she didnt. you have no need to apologize to her. she is jelous right now and she will get over it.

  2. It's not your fault that you're better...

  3. Never apologize for your talents.  If she had been good enough to be on the JV team, they would have put her there.  You didn't do anything wrong.  Just make sure that you earn your place on that team at all times.

  4. Um your in high school, you need to understand it's going to be crazy like this from now on. This is the first part of you finding yourself in life.

    You're going to argue with your friends, and date guys. Guys will come btwn you and your friend. s*x will be around every corner causing problems.

    Alot of what you know will change. If your friend honestly is mad, you've got to ignore it..... Not her, she might need you as a friend- and you may never know it.

    This happened to me in high school, and i lost a friend b/c i played sports and he didn't.

    From here on out, just tread softly until you adjust to high school.

  5. you should ignore her.she jus hatin and hatin is jus another word for jealousy. she mad because apparently you are better than her

  6. Welcome to the world of Highschool bullsh*t.  Yah your going to get this kind of sh*t all the time.  Jealousy is a b*tch.  LOL!  ANYWAY, yah you don't deserve to be critisized like that.  You know what I would just say, "Look, I don't know why they didn't pick you since you say your so good.  Thats f*ckin crazy, alright? Anything else you wanna b*tch about?"  I bet she won't say anything else about it.  Man, I'm really in the mood to swear today.  But yah, don't apologize cause she had a jealous streak.  I worked with this girl who was always trying to cut me down cause her boyfriend worked in my area and she was the jealous type.  Me and her boyfriend would talk just casually, and he definetly wasn't my type, he was like, the geeky kind of guy, but man that girl was nuts.  A loose s***w or something.  You just learn to ignore those types.

  7. whats there to apoligize about?

    im sorry you suck and i dont.. lmao

    that was really mean what she said to you, she needs to get over it!

    just ignore her.


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