
My friend just killed herself?

by  |  earlier

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You know i answer peoples god damned questions on here for a reason? i try helping everyone i can possibly manage to get through no im not perfect at all i have f*cking schizophren but i still help people.

so this person added me not telling me where she got my sn from. really good chat. today she tells me i answered her question to not kill herself. and we talked alot about it and why she shouldnt, but she kept saying she was going to and i was trying everything i could to stop her and she told me she was sorry and goodbye and thats the last thing.

i really dont know whta the question here is. but im f*cking confused. sry for the language. that has made my depression worse now. i jjust tried EVERYTHING and it didnt help. i feel useless




  1. you can either get pissed about it and complain all you want, or simply think she's probably in a place better off than this d**n world.  Not that i support suicide, but then again, you choose your destiny and you dont have to live through c**p you dont want to live through.

  2. dont blame urself ... u did all u can to help her but she decided to do what she thinks is right... i felt sorry for the lost but depression really kills if nobody is there to understand... maybe there are lots of pressures in her life. I myself has depression but I can cope with it. We need to draw strength from God and if we draw strength from our friends or family sometimes they are the cause of stresses. We should be oriented with this kind of disorder. people neglect it that emotional stress is really hard to cope.

  3. YOu have no proof this person actually killed themselves and from experience of some of the nutters on here I would be much more inclined to think that someone is just having their own weird idea of a bit of fun at your expense.

    Yahoo answers can be a great place for all sorts of strange people and I know that my wife who answers questions on here occassionally has a stalker who just really likes to mess with her head.  

    So my advice would be to put this person out of you mind as you have no proof that who you were talking to was even intending to suicide.  It may have been a 10 year old out to have fun at someone elses expense.

  4. It is tough to talk with people who are severely depressed for a real reason. What you may not realize is that they may have been living a life that was pure severe ongoing unrelenting torture and they had no easing of the pain of living for sooooo long that they could not stand to live any more. Talking with you may have provided them a very brief relief from their torture and they decided they wanted to end their life now while feeling slightly better before their normal unendurable agony resumed. So, though they killed themselves after talking with you, you actually helped them more than anyone else because you relieved their pain. It was real pain, unendurable unrelenting agonizing torture for them every moment of every day without ending.  

  5. well I guess you cant be sure what actually happened to this person.  I admire the fact that you took the time to chat with them however I do know that some people need attention - positive and negative and as bad as it may sound this person could be just looking for more attention and is testing to see if a stranger would care so much as to worry and continue sending messages.  I am sure that they have serious depression and probably a mental illness that excerbates her depression.  Putting you in a position to believe that she may have hurt herself, and she may have, is a cruel thing to do to anybody especially to one that has reached out to help.  I would maybe send a final message stating your concern, advising them to seek professional help and ask for a response so you know they are ok.  Hopefully you will get a response as well as an apology for causing you to worry.  I hope things work out for both of you.

  6. ... If this is just some person you don't even know exists, just a screen name, it may be a really cruel person s******g with you.

    If not, you tried your hardest and did all you could, and should at least feel good about yourself for giving an effort.  

  7. she was probably messin with you

  8. You are not useless. There is a chance she might have not been telling the truth, but you never know with people you meet online. Know what I mean? I suggest you try sending her a message or something and see if she responds to it or not. Maybe she was tempted to kill herself, and then said goodbye, but ended up not doing it and is worried about what you will think. If she really did kill herself, then remember, you tried and you are not useless. If she killed herself, that was a stupid thing for her to do. I hope this helps!

  9. you dont know if it was real or not maybe if the person comes back on tomorrow than she was messing with you but if she doesn't then maybe she did dont feel useless you did all you could and you couldn't stop her it must be hard but im so sorry if she did its a sad thing but we all have to move on sometimes try to see if she gets on again keep saying to yourself she didnt kill herself and thanks for answering my questions and trying to help people with life and no one is perfect but dont beat yourself too hard you did all you could thanks again but i really am sorry if you really sad now we all hope she didnt kill herself good luck and keep answering questions  

  10. Some people get lost in their own personal h***s and give out. I am sure you are aware of that from what you stated about your personal history. It wasn't anyone's fault and I don't think there was anything you (or ayone) could of done.

    What's sad is a lot of suicides get so caught up in their problems they forget people care about them and will be devastated when they die.

  11. The problem with cyber friends is that you never know what is real or not.  I am not saying don't take people's threats seriously but you cannot beat yourself up over that.  You did what you could.  Don't feel useless.  You are not a doctor who could help this person.  You never even seen this person, it nothing you could have done.

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