
My friend just noticed her car ran out of motor oil. Is she dead meat?

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My friend is a total ditz and forgot to check her motor oil, and doesn't remember exactly when she checked it last.. might have been a couple months. When she checked it today it was totally bone-dry. The car still runs, though. Since it hasn't exploded or anything yet, does that mean she's in the clear? What kind of damage can she expect?




  1. She has nothin to lose,add oil and keep on truckin.It hasnt died yet but may.

  2. As noted, the dipstick will not tell you if the car is completely out of oil.  However, if the dipstick is showing no oil, the car is critically low.  DO NOT DRIVE THE CAR WITHOUT ADDING OIL.  Go to the local 7-11 and buy two quarts of 10w30 oil (civics hold about 4 quarts) and put it in.  If the dipstick then shows oil, you probably have averted disaster, although you might have worn the engine some.  The oil light is sort of a "nuclear meltdown" device - in most cars, it will not register until serious damage is being done to the engine.

  3. There is usually a little oil in the pan when even if it doesn't show on the stick. Running low can damage the bearings and will usually show up in low oil pressure. Check it with a guage

  4. That Eng is shot-for starters -Rod Bearings-Main Bearings-Cam Bearings- Cyl walls--May

    I ask if this Friend has a sense of Smell and is Her Hearing Imparied?,Because that Eng was doing a lot of Talking to Her:  

  5. sounds like she just caught it in time, it should be ok if she filled it back up. she will do that too often sometime and the she will wondering what the knock is. oil is cheaper then another engine.

  6. It won't explode... She has to put at least 4 quarts of oil in it and best bet is to have an oil change done.. ( Put Oil in it first as they will charge you more ) As long as the car is running she should be ok.. Surprised the oil lite was not on

    DO NOT Listen to the one that said the engine is shot it is not true.. As long as it doesn't tick, clink or smoke your friend is fine

  7. if she was driving and the light for the low oil pressure remained off, then you should be ok, but the oil was not completely dry. i will tell you the truth, i had that same thing happen to me last week. i am testing a theory about oil life expectancy. and i have not checked th level in about months. checked it last week and found that the dipstick was dry. now i know that the dipstick only measure the last two quarts most of the time, but i bought two quarts any way. i put one quart in it and i am now only a quarter of a quart  low.. what i am saying is do not be concerned if the light remains off. just add enough to bring the level up to full. if the light has come on and stayed on for longer than normal, then she should be concerned

  8. Fill it up immediately and if theres no rattlin or smoke or strange noises, then shes been lucky. Good luck!!

    On the other hand if there is then it could be costly, prob a new engine required.

  9. Don'r start the car until oil is in it. Fill it to the full mark and then get a oil change. and engine flush. The oil probably oxidized (coked) on the cam and lifters. She is lucky the engine didn't seize yet.

  10. The dipstick is dry only after a couple of quarts have burned off.

    I remember working with Cummins K19 diesel when I worked on crewboats...the dipstick might be dry, but that engine still had about 15 quarts in the oil pan. At least what drained into the waste oil container and showed on the sight glass proved this.

    Another couple times when I had my old Ranger and Isuzu trucks in for oil changes, the techs tell me there was no oil on the stick.  Okay, they still got about 3-4 quarts out in both cases.  Retards.

    The Honda won't be anywhere near that full of oil, but there is safety margin built into this.

  11. the dipstick statements are true

    i have seen these civics get an oil change with absolutely no oil in it, it surprisingly ran but very rough

    if her engine runs smooth it shouldnt be too bad but tell her to check the oil when she gets fuel

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