
My friend just put a contact in her eye but its kinda blury, and it feels like she has a hair in her eye...?

by  |  earlier

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is this normal?




  1. check and make sure it didn't flip before she put it in.  have her take it out and flip it and try it again.  Usually there is writing on the rim of the contact that you can see if you hold it up.  If you can't read it, it is flipped.

  2. The contact may have a crack on it and is unusable. It will irritate her eye and make her feel as if there's something in it if she continues to wear it. This can also cause severe damage to her eye, scratching her cornea, which is very painful and recovery is slow. She should throw that it out and start on a new one.

    Her contact may also be flipped. She can check this by looking out for the "123" text embedded on the edge. If it says "321", it's flipped.

    Or her eyes may be too dry. She can try re wetting drops.

  3. Hm..she may have put the contact in the wrong she put the left contact in the right eye or something...

    Or maybe she needs to use some eyedrops or something.

  4. it may be that it doesnt have enough water, or to much water on the contact lens. is thats not it, then maybe the contact lens are put on insideout.

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