
My friend just said i don't have the patience to play guitar and i want to prove her wrong?

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my friend plays guitar (she's a beginner) and we were talking about cool guitar tabs she found on the internet, and i commented "man, i wish i could play guitar". she responded "well, just think of it this way: you could if you wanted to, but you just don't have the patience". that made me so mad, but i didn't say anything....

i play saxophone, clarinet, flute, and violin and taught myself everyone one except violin. and i play each one very well (been nominated as gifted on sax and clarinet)...ya, sure i don't have patience.

i've tried to play guitar before, and have given up on it because:

a) it's harder; unlike any instrument i've played before (it's not like violin at all)

b) i tried it last summer, i never really put a lot of effort into it, no lessons and not a lot of practice. and i also had to learn clarinet for school (band teacher wanted to to switch), and i didn't want to start two instruments at once, so i dropped guitar and started clarinet.





  1. If you want some fresh material for learning, you can pick up additional books at the library. You just need to get a library card with a parent present. Here's a few of the newer books that are at my library:

    Here's a DVD:

    And a couple of other DVDs especially for acoustic guitar:


    Your library should have very similar, if not the same, books & DVDs.

    Sounds like you're very musically inclined. You shouldn't have any trouble now that you've got the added incentive of proofing this to your friend! Good Luck!!

  2. I remember after having bad luck with a previous guitar teacher a few years back that I decided to teach myself a little, and I figured out a G chord.

    It will be hard, so be prepared for bouts of frustration. I highly suggest taking lessons, at least for a few months to get yourself started if that's all you think you need. But I believe you should stick with it since a teacher will help you out a lot more than you think.

    Check out and click on the "Beginner Guitar Lessons" on the left. Besides having a a teacher, that site is my second source of help and inspiration.

  3. look it up on youtube they have vid to help with stuff like that

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