
My friend just volunteered herself and im stuck with all the helping?

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Me and "Ashley" are friends. And one of our mutual friends had a baby on thursday. So when Ashley was talking to the soon to be mother, she told her that me and her can take care of her other two kids for a couple of days while shes in the hospital and all. Now im with the kids , this is my third day. ashley hasnt taken them yet. she was over at my place yesterday morning but stayed 4 hours max. what do i do?im very mad that ashley just volunteered me like that and hasnt taken them. She was in texas the first day, and she had to pick up her brother from the airport yesterday. and today she said shes going to be busy. i do not want to confront anyone because, i like the kids that are over my house, i do not ant to give them the feeling that they are bothering me. how do i go about all of this? what do i tell my friend, she has to know that what she did was wrong.i have no problem helping other people, but if i am going to do it, i need someone to ask me first if i want to and for someone to actually help me.




  1. make up an excuse and tell her you cant get out of it and she HAS to take care of the kids. if she has been doing it for 3 days she wont be able to complain. just make sure you dont succumb no matter what she says. IT HAS TO SOUND like you cant get out of it. even if she says her plans are important too, make yours sound even more! get on her nerves. thats what i'd do.

  2. tell your friend youll complete the time by yourself since shes so selfish with her time. then tell her you enjoy the kids,but NEVER to volunteer you again without asking you first.

  3. Your friend in the hospital, who you are really helping doesn't need to know your feelings. But Ashley should be told after the kids are picked up. She was selfish to do what she did. Especially not helping you. And if its been 3 days, the new Mom should be home soon. Hopefully family will step in and help now. Good Luck and Thank You for your Help!

  4. You need to stand up and tell your friend that you have done your part, and now its her turn. And tell her how you feel about her volunteering you to begin with. That was very inconsiderate.Sounds like she is using you.

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