
My friend keeps copping me how can i stop this ...?

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My friend keeps coppieing me (not you holly so don't even say !) it is really really bugging me how can i stop this ? please help ! Holly please do not answer if you are going to give me a mouth full so do not answer is your just gonna shout orsay i meen you when i don't .




  1. yeah you just have to tell her to stop copping you..because if they do it by themselves and its called original and original are always unique so teach her how to be original.

  2. My friend does the exact same thing you buy something and even if they dont like it they suddenly HAVE to get it to.Once one of my friends said they hated the xbox 360 and as soon as i told them i was getting it for my christmas it was ohh i love the xbox 360 i want one , you just want something thats yours that they dont have but nooo they have to get it too. And to answer the question no they wont stop no matter what unless you just dont tell them anything and avoid them..

  3. Do one thing Start saying them Thank you as much they copy you.

    You Answer that many times as saying Thank you with a sweet smile as you are happy you are not hurted and make them fell crazy They will get confused shure.. Try one time its my Advice.

    Because in Such way saying Thank you i have harrased lots of people now its your turn.  

  4. Just tell her to stop or it's on.

    Holly leave it alone.

  5. talk to her and tell her how you feel, tell her its nice you want to look like me or like the things i like but please stop it! x

  6. Just tell her that youre not happy with her copying you all the time.

  7. i had an aunt (not much older than me) that used to copy me. she'd buy everything i like (clothes, phones, etc) 1 day she asked me to go shopping with her. i told her i really love this dress, she went inh & bought it. guess what? that dress was hideous! big sunflowers on it. i couldnt contain my laughter, but that was the last time she copied me

  8. i had this problem and i hated it and i ended up falling out with the girl, just say that you've noticed her copying you and you want it to stop it'll be hard but it's something you have to do if it's annoying you. do something really embarassing or tell her you like a top which is really nasty and she'll get it. A bit like what they said above.

    I did this and i bought a nasty pencil case and she ended up getting the same one but in a different colour and then i stopped using mine and finally told her that it was annoying me.

    Hope this helps !

  9. Hey Lisa

    You should be flattered that someone thinks you're cool enough to copy in the first place!!  I mean, you are a pretty cool girl!

    I'm not sure what it is this person is copying, but I always think it's best to be direct without hurting the other person's feelings.  Something like, "I know you like (whatever) as much as I do, but I think that you're copying my (whatever).  I think that (something else) would suit you better - have you thought about that?"


    Holly & Andrea x x

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