
My friend keeps saying this. Please help me with politics???

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me and my friend are argueing. i am a democrat. well, i think i am.

i think that george bush was a bad president. he says he defenitely wasn't.

please help me. give me some good points. i dont pay attention much to politics, but all i know is that i didnt feel safe with bush as president.




  1. We had a surplus now we have a deficit.


    Iraq war from 03-06

  2. Yes, Bush was the wost president ever in the history of president along with his Father, his father tops second place..

    How could  anyone agrue that. they are plain out  stupid to say Bush was a good preident. h**l No...never and will never be a good present He  can't even talk english as his first lanuage... Dam the Republican even getting worst with the choice of McCane... he's next to bush who's already l*****g intellegence. I have to wonder if  anyone looks at these canidates on the Republican side in the past few years they lack the ablity to lead a contury and speak on anyone's behalf.

    Why are trops fighting a war in a country that dosn't belong to United state of America for eight sold years.

    This is some bull, there are some many job lost in a life time than there were fifteen years ago..

    Then again, after all he's the reason gas prices are so high I never in a thrity years seen gas prices raise so fast in less than a months time. Not a year a month...

    All those rich fokes bush had backing him now complaing, those son of a itches...feel the hard times just like the small poeple.  

  3. you didn't feel safe?  when has there been a terrorist attack on our soil since 9/11?  clinton just let it happen.

    bush lowered taxes, and got rid of other taxes altogether.

    you should do some research.  and listen to your friend.

  4. you win yank~!

    both of you check out this flick on, it will explain most,  not all, of Bush and Cheney's dirty deeds~!

    Bushes War~!

  5. This is long....sorry...

    The reason you don't feel 'safe' is not bush's fact it's mostly carter, reagan, and clinton's. read up on the origin of the afghani jihad, which was backed in the 80s by the CIA, Pakistan's ISI, and huge amounts of Saudi (Islamist) money to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan. The mujahideen didn't know where the weapons came from (captured Soviet materials in Israel, bought by US/Saudi money), so they turned their Islamist anti-Imperialism against the next logical enemy.

    Osama bin Laden and the Taliban filled a power vacuum after the first Bush administration and the Clinton administration failed to provide economic infrastructure and social change to Afghanistan after the Soviets left.

    The invasion of Iraq was certainly ultimately a choice by Bush/Cheney, but they were also surrounded by faulty intelligence and several Yes Men. In addition, in 2003 right after the invasion, people lower down in the adminstration, those responsible on the ground in Iraq, really screwed things up. Most importantly, they dismissed the Iraqi military (who was willing to assist in reconstruction) essentially sending a bunch of wage-earning men home without jobs and then to the insurgency. Iraq would be a success (and may still be) if they had not screwed up in the first few months of the occupation, which is only partially Bush's fault.

    Another of Bush's strong points is his extraordinarily large amount of aid committed to fighting disease in Africa.

    Some problems with the administration that I have:

    1. the handling of Katrina was pretty appalling (though again, it was Bush's cabinet people and the bureaucrats that were at fault).

    2. little investment in clean fuels and few standards on Detroit.

    3. Cheney is much too powerful of a VP, probably the most influential VP ever. Books will be written about it...lots of them.

  6. It's obvious your friend has never been to New Orleans.

    P.S. You'd be better off with smarter friends.

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