
My friend keeps stealing my pokemon cards. what should i do?

by  |  earlier

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i know for a fact that shiny zapdos and shiny magikarp would not just disappear all by themselves :(




  1. punch him and call the cops

  2. punch him in the face, or better, STOP PLAYING WITH POKEMON CARDS!!!

  3. put it in your pocket

  4. First off, I have had things stolen from me, but sometimes I would also freak out thinking something had been stolen when I had simply misplaced it. Make sure the cards are really gone. If you keep them in a binder or something, ignore this. I just know it was really embarassing for me to confront one of my friends about stealing my makeup when I found it under my bathroom sink the next day. =)

    When you know they've been stolen, confront your friend! It doesn't have to be in a threatening or mean way. If you look at or play with the cards together, ask him or her if they remember seeing where you put your Zapdos or Magikarp the last time you were playing with them. If he or she acts weird about it, they are probably lying. If you feel like your friend is lying, now is the time to confront them. Tell your friend that you have looked through your things and the last time you saw the cards was the last time you played together. Say that you want your cards back, or offer to trade the cards for some of theirs that you like. Don't give up because your friend seems to be lying. If they keep saying they didn't take them, tell your friend that you're worried about your cards and need help looking for them. After a while of searching for the cards in your room, if you haven't found them, your friend might break down and confess they took them.

    Threaten to tell their parents. You're not tattling, parents can often help and will punish your friend for you (a nice little dose of revenge)! It might lose you a friend, but you don't need friends that steal from you anyway!

  5. dont be friends with him and call the cops on him

  6. Change the area in which you keep your cards.   I would say to keep them on you at all time, so they can't do it any more. could set up a web cam in your room, then make up an excuse to leave the room and let it record everything your friend steals from you and then use the recorded data to show his/her parents what they're doing to you. could confront them directly and ask them why they're doing it.

  7. Try searching your house first. If your hunch is right, then you shouldn't call him a friend. Demand that you see his cards, search his cards and try to hide your cards from your friend. thats all i can say.

  8. you should go to his house ask to see the pokemon cards and take em back.

  9. hide them in a place only you would think of. even the oddest places work

  10. If he/she steals from you, they arn't really a good friend at all. Try hiding them somwhere he/she doesn't know about and/or keep them with you at all times.

  11. Your FRIEND is stealing these from you? That's not a good friend at all. Hide them in a really good place where your friend will never find them.

  12. call the cops and the crime "stealing" then if he still has em you should get em back!! ^_^


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