
My friend knocks the wind out of me just by hitting my stomach lightly??

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Ok me and my friend fight all the time and I can always take hits but everytime he punches me in the stomach even somewhat lightly it will knock the wind out of me. How can I build my stomach up to take hits so the wind wont be knocked out of me???




  1. by building your core muscles. do sit-ups, crunches, lye on the ground or on a bench if you have one and grab onto something with your hands behind your head so that your elbows are aligned with you ears then pull your knees to your chest (best to do this with a pillow beneath you or something to not make the surface flat because you need to lift yourself up as your knees come forward), knees to elbows (hang from a pull-up bar and bring your knees to your elbows) flutter kicks (put both feet 6 inches off the ground and flutter them alternately), air squats, wall ball shots (throw a medicine ball against the wall and squat as you catch it but should be only a foot away from the wall don't launch it across the room)

    for more on fitness and nutrition go to

  2. i dont think there is anything you can do to prevent that. My brother use to do that all the time to me,,,,tell him to stop,,, one day he could kill you by doing that.

  3. crunches! 3 sets a day

  4. Sit ups and crunches using a medicine ball.

  5. Thumper Put A Piece Of Metal Under Your Shirt And Choose Better Friends.  Sounds Like You Got Blogbabble For A Friend

  6. You are going to have to work your abs, to strengthen them. It

    would not hurt you, to kick him in the balls. Or find something

    else to do.

  7. Definately do core exercises, also try to tense your stomach muscles when he hits you.

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