
My friend lies all the time ?

by  |  earlier

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I have got a friend who I really like and have known for about a year, she's a nice person and really funny, but she lies all the time about stupid things. She said her brother's girlfriend used to be a prostitute, she lies about what she did at the weekend, she said her ex dumped her when it was the other way round. She doesnt go on about any of the lies, they just sort of slip out and then aren't mentioned again, so I don't really think it's for attention exactly. Why would someone do this? And should I confront her or just let her do it?




  1. it's possible she has a disease which makes her lie all the time.  The best thing to do is either call her on it and make her aware of what she is doing... or just take everything she says with a pinch of salt.  maybe she has issues thinks she is too boring so lies to make herself sound more intresting.

  2. Your friend sounds like a compulsive or pathological liar. Lying for no reason about very trivial or unimportant things. I had a friend who had this very issue and it is difficult to cope with as their friend, or bring up to them. This website really helped me understand her problem:

  3. Kindly, let her know that her lying offends you and that you would appreciate it if she starts being totally honest with you.

    Thanks for asking

  4. yeh ive got a friend like this too, annoying isnt it. they are compulsive liars who dont even realise they are doing it half the time. i just let it go over my head. if it isnt affecting me or my life personally then i  try to let it go.  

  5. People lie for any number of reasons, and it would be hard to speculate without knowing the person. Maybe shoe does it to make herself seem more interesting. For some it genuinely does just become a habit to tell lies. Its up to you whether or not you tolerate it, but there is little point confronting her because you will probably not get a truthful answer. Either decide to tolerate it as part of who she is and hope she grows out of it, or lose her as a friend.

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