
My friend likes a guy thats WAY older then her?

by  |  earlier

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shes 15 and im 16. and she met this guy on myspace he is 35. he is more then twice her age and is married its not like he wants a real relationship. shes mad at me too because i dont agree with her judgement and am unsupportive. what idiot would even support this kind of relationship.How can i convince her she is making a huge mistake she wont listen to anything i tell her. this is just so disgusting




  1. I agree.  That's ****ed up.. tell her that he can and will go to prison for statutory rape and possibly a whole bundle of other charges if they do have a relationship

  2. He probably is a predator. Let her read the responses that people leave here.

    She needs to stop that behavior.

  3. just make sure she doesnt have any sexual contact with the doode..or report him

  4. From experience, she will not listen to you. Of course she is making a huge mistake but she won't listen to anyone. There is nothing you can say to her. If you feel necessary tell her parents. Yes she will be mad but all this guy wants from her is to take advantage of her. Tell the guy you will call the cops.

  5. tell her mother. she will hate u for a while then realize it was stupid dont let her meet him b.c he could be a murder or something.. that is so stupidd. he is way too oldd.

  6. over the internet....hes married....that is dumb. my husbands quite a bit older than me but we had a friendship first and all. she needs to stop your right here!

  7. Meeting someone on myspace? that s***s dangerous..just keep reminding her how he could be a fake person/pedophile/creepy dude with a bunch of pimples on his face and missing a left hand, im sure she will stop..its creepy.

  8. My god, he is 35 and hes MARRIED! Show her this bloody page and tell her how much an idiot she is. or you could tell his wife... =D

    Does she realise he could be dead by the time she hits her late fortys? She should really get some taste...

  9. tell her mom

  10. well 1st of all its illegal and + shes 2 young to know what she wants. sounds like to me she is totally immature or she has mental health problems. shes just going through a stage. wait for it to go away and if in a year it doesnt you should probably tell someone real quick.

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