
My friend likes to be rude?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so I have my locker next to my friend, and this morning she told me that she didn't like having a locker next to mine because I smell too much. I wear very small amounts of perfume, and no one hardly eve notices it. But even when they do, they compliment me on it...I don't get why my friend had to be so rude.

And she'll also do other things like tell me she doesn't like the clothes I'm wearing, or my hair doesn't look good, even when everyone else thinks it does. Why does she have to be so rude? Does she not like me?




  1. She's not a friend at all. Sounds like she's jealous. I would ignore her and hang out with  people that are kind.

  2. A true friend wouldn't do that or ignore it

  3. I'm that friend.  I am so sorry Miranda!

    I'll change i promise.  I didn't know u felt that way.  I always just thought honesty was the best but, mark my words.  I will Change.

    ( Just Like Barrack Obama Claims)

  4. don't listen to her she sounds a bit of a jealous person you should get your self a other friend

  5. That is not a friend.

    That is a b****, and a vindictive one.

  6. Before you write her off as a friend, give her a chance. Maybe she just has very poor social skills. Tell her she comes across as rude. (She might not know) Then give her tips on being more tactful. If you are rebuffed, you can move on.  

  7. jealousy is expressed as anger or fury.

    your friend is a classic example of this juvenile behaviour pattern.

    nothing that you do will make her happy if she is jealous of you.

    this is something that you need to sit down and talk about.

  8. More then likely, she is just jealous that you are getting more attention then her. You need to talk to her about it, don't say you think she's jealous because she'll just deny it. But calmly tell her that it hurts your feelings when she says stuff like that. And is she kidding, because sometimes people do that when they think they are funny [:

    I hope I helped [:;...

    Answer Mine^^

  9. it seems the problem here has to do with...... "thinking " and "knowing " ....You " think " she is your friend ...She " knows " she is not.

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