
My friend loves ghost and i need to get them out of my min plz help!

by  |  earlier

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well my friend loves ghost and makes me beliveve in ghosts so i get scared at nite im 12 too and i have nigt mares and think there r ghosts n my house and wen i started beliveving i went in the middle of the nigth to get a drink of water cause i stay up late and i saw this black figure that ooked like a guy and then i started getting freaked out and dream of ghosts and i researched it but no answersso now im praying befor i go to bed that i have no dreams and it works but i still beliveve in them does anyone know how to make me sop thinking abot them also i cant stop watching ghost i think im addicted to ghost shows but anyways plz help im still scared!




  1. if u blevie in them thats fine i mean those ghosts could be a dead relative or something trying to contct u either way i wouldent worry th bogey man is defenitley NOT going to attack in ure sleep and if ure mate keeps annyoing just slap him round the face

  2. okay.

    im your age and seriously,





    youre friend is being funny, and you are being dumb.

    its ghosts, for goodness sake, not rapists!

    oh, sorry. now i guess youll be afraid of pedos in your house too.

  3. What about meeeee?  Are you scared of meeee?

    I'm a nice ghost. I think you need to quish that imagination of yours.

  4. tell ur friend u have a phobia of them and if he or she is a true friend she will stop.  

  5. You should fear the living ,not the dead....good day.

  6. You need to pray about it. By praying I mean simply going somewhere privately and just talk to God (like you would a normal person) and ask him to protect you and your family and to explain clearly why this is happening to you. Read the bible especially Psalms 56 that talks about fear. Be careful of the scary shows what you watch on television it has opened a doorway for fear to enter your life. You also need to pray asking God to remove the spirit of fear from you and ask him to take the desire from you that makes you want to watch scary movies. I also suggest that you get a pastor to counsel you and pray with you about this matter. God bless and take care!!!!

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