
My friend loves me friends for 5 years HELP?

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see me and my friend trisha have been frineds for 5 years and i found out she likes me and last friday she came up to me and closed my locker and said can i talk to you?

and i said no problem

and so we were walking and stopped at the snack tables and she said

austin we have been frineds for a while and she said that she loves

me and i was so shocked i was speechless and she seemed upset

and i would love to date her she is my heart my love and now what do i say to her




  1. Say what you just said. "I'd love to date you, you are my heart and love." Or "Hey, I was thinking about what you said, and... I think we should try dating."

  2. If you love her and would love to date her then just go up to her the next day and say you love her too and would want to get together! :D

  3. you still say


  4. Dude, you go out there and tell her how you feel about her, that's what you're gonna do!!!!

  5. speak out what u feel for him....tell her that u too love her.

  6. Say exactly what you feel, because she is feeling VERY vulnerable right now and will be very quick to feel ashamed for telling you because she thinks you don't like her (I'm guessing that part). She needs honesty, so don't hold back even if you have to write her a letter.

  7. Tell her how you feel.  Sounds like you love her too, so tell her.

  8. Tell her you need to talk to her. explain to her that you were a little shocked and all the truth. tell her how you feel. always remember she has been your friend for a long time. so she cant get that upset

  9. This is very sweet, I have heard that the best relationships start as a friendship.

    If you like her, give it a try.

  10. Just pour your heart out to her if you feel the same for her. If you don't, then her love for you will be the same if not less because when she knows you feel the same for her, it will send her over board and that's a perfect recipe to start a ever lasting relationship. I hope everything goes as great as possible! Good luck Austin!

  11. Hi, I'm almost seventeen years old; don't judge.

    That must be amazing news for you despite it can be shocking as you mentioned. Of course she might have felt upset because she felt rejection from you at the moment; keep that in mind. It was a very intense moment that was shared. Any women would feel awkward and upset to see the man who she love's reaction. It's normal and you shouldn't have to worry!

    My advice to you is to tell you how you feel. Simply tell her your feelings and tell her that you were surprised at the moment. However, that doesn't mean that you didn't feel the same. Try to reassure her that you feel the same way and you're sorry that you worried her. Basically, tell her how you feel as well. She'll be happy to hear you out and find out that you love her as well!

    Best Of Luck Always!!!

    - Amanda.  

  12. tell her that you love her back, and explain to her what happened and express your feelings. good luck...

  13. If you want to date her then go ahead and do it. Can't be any harm in dating someone if you both like each other right?

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