
My friend mandy thinks it's ok to have S.E.X. at 14 give me some of ur points why it's wrong to help her than

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*thanks i meant lol




  1. The fact is that children are having s*x at a much younger age.  It is easy to learn about it online, and children become aware of certain things a lot younger these days.

    Once you start having s*x, it is difficult to stop, especially if you enjoy it.

    So you can tell her all the bad things that can happen like STDs, pregnancy, legal trouble, etc.  But if she is intent on doing it, she will anyway.

  2. Mandy will probably do what she wants to do, regardless of what you say... however, I would advise against it at her young age.  Is she ready to be a mother?  If not, is she ready to get treated for any one of the many STDs (even AIDS) that are out there?

    I was a virgin till I was 19, and I still think I was way too young at that age.

  3. She'll probably regret it later so... I don't think it's wrong to intervene.

  4. Mandy will slow down when the babies start popping out!! DON"T follow her, she's bad news!!

  5. Well I all you can do is talk to her... Let her know of all the bad things that can happen! Like having a kid or STD's or all the other stuff you can get. Make sure she knows that it's not what she needs. AND MAKE SURE what ever she does to help her stay away from way older men. Just let her know... cause really that's all you can do.

  6. V.D.

    She'll be seen as a s**t






    Good reason all, and all very possible, the last one is harder to explain.

    Mandy needs to understand that she's more than just a physical person, she has a spirit side, too.

    People were designed, and having s*x has a proper place and time, not just physically, but emotionally.

    s*x will likely become pleasant exercise, or worse, a tool of manipulation for her, not what it was designed to be, an intimate way to show love between a married couple.

    Likely she won't listen, because it does feel great while your doing it, but remind her of the empty hollow feeling she gets later, (she'll feel it more the first time she's used for s*x).


  7. why dont you tell her why 'you' wont have s*x at 14.  

  8. well, are there any pregnant teens in your school or neighborhood that can tell her how much it's not worth the risk?  that would be the best thing.  besides the pregnancy thing, STD's are REAL and many don't go away, ever.  Some kill.   And having a "bad" reputation isn't much fun either.  Sometimes, people assume when you've been with one guy, that you've been with every single guy you hang out with, talk to, and have ever dated.  It's hard to get past a bad rep, whether you earned it or not.  You can't keep her from doing what she wants, but you can voice your opinion on it.  In a NON-JUDGEMENTAL way, tell her these points and then say no more.  Just let her know you care and that's why you are saying your piece, and then leave it at that.  i hope she listens.  14 is too young to worry about grown up problems, and s*x gives you a LOT to worry about.

  9. At 14 are you really ready  to handle all that it entails by having s*x? Such as possibly a baby, or some disease? What about the emotions that come with it? Jealousy of other people if you don't stay with that person. What about their feelings toward you if you don't want to stay with  them, respect for your parents since you would be doing it in one of their houses. These are all points you could bring up to your friend

  10. It is okay.

    I'm 14 and i'm not a virgin.

    I was ready but don't do it just cuz your friend does though. Some people think it's okay and some don't but in my opinion it is fine if you're ready and smart about it.

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