
My friend married a girl from panama,how could they get married when she didn't provide any birth certifacate

by  |  earlier

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her visa was expired at the time of marriage,they were married in florida,is that legal to do with no up to date visa,and showing no proof who she is,




  1. if you want to know information about this visit this website.

  2. Something is not right here. Maybe...they did not give you the complete information.  If what you are saying is true...they are not legally married, and she could be deported at any time soon.

    Probably ...she must have some other valid form of identification, like a passport, and ID card ...etc. Getting "married" here while undocumented, will make it a lot harder to get a green card.  He should have married her in Panama and then apply to bring her here at the U.S. Embassy with a spouse Visa.    They have a long rocky road ahead to get her the green card.

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