
My friend need advice....please help him.?

by  |  earlier

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i think this chick is using me as a back-up, if she doesnt find any1 tht likes her bck she will jst go out wif me. wat do i do? or how can i find out if she isnt really, just me thinking that shes using me as a back-up




  1. I would definately say you just be honest with her,but let her know that she doesn't have to pity you to save your feelings,let her know you want the truth.Do not "dump" her,that won't do anything,especially if she isn't using you. But if you are pretty positive that she is using you,don't wait around to get hurt,end it now.

    hope this helped!

    good luck,oh and maybe answer my question to?It would help alot!

    Please and thank you!:D

  2. well go out with her for like a week then dump her and if she reacts to it then she has feels for you and if she doesnt then shes probably just using you (sorry)

  3. hump her and then dump her.

    that way your in control.

    if you dont she'll take the mikey outta you

  4. best way to find out is ask her what she thinks of you, she cant just not answer you

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