
My friend needs help♥?

by  |  earlier

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ok she 21 or 22, any ways she shes a lot of young pregnant teens and she know they cant take care of the baby and she would like to adopt a baby from a young teen mom

how does she do that

and i think that is a kool idea and i want to do that when im older




  1. I believe if U want 2 adopt a child w/o a lawyer, U have 2 file the paper work Urself ! the court can be done.

  2. she needs to contact a lawyer or adoption agency.

  3. She could start with adopting a puppy they are so much fun.  To me, that's a kool idea for like a 21yr old :P

  4. Um not a good idea.

    Why is she, at 21 or 22 better qualified to be a parent than these girls?  

    I do not think this is "kool" at all.

  5. if she knows a bunch of teens wanting to rid theirselves of babies count me in i want a baby however it can be done at almost free of charge

  6. Hi,

    plz email me with details, i would like to adop a baby girl. I can take care of this baby and provide her with everything she needs. I got married for 4 years but my husband and I couldnt give birth for a baby.

    plz help me. by the way, I live in Dubai, UAE

  7. go on the internet and find an adoption acgency they will help her but it is alot of money and it is very hard for a young single mom to adopt......... Well any ways she will want an open adoption and then she can pick the parent or parents to adopt from........

  8. 21 or 22 isn't exactly any better than teen.  You should tell her to wait until she has a college education and some money saved up before she wants to be a parent!


    Start there.

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