
My friend once told me that all dreams have a meaning behind it. If so, what does this horrible dream mean?

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okay so last night I had a very bad dream. It started out as me and my family going on a cruise ship. But it was in the furture cause i had a husband and a son. anyways it started out fun until it got evaded by another ship and these people came and started shooting and killing everyone so we had no choice but to jump off in the water. it was really cold and my son was barely alive and me and my husband kept trying to hold him out of the water but the waves made it hard. well after awhile a ship came and we thought we were rescued but the people were evil. they tied an ancor to my sons feet and threw him in the water so he drowned. then the cut off my husbands arms. it was very horrible and then they stabbed my husband a lot and i had to watch him die. thats all i remember after that, i think i woke up.

so anyways if this horrible dream has a meaning can someone intruptet it for me?





  1. I think that dreams do have meaning. A bad dream such as the one you had could mean you are having a stressful time in your life, dealing with some unknowns, have a dilemma going on and so on. I think what you dream is an exaggerated perception of what is going on in your life. I have also heard that every symbol in your dream has a meaning. I would relax though...I don't think this is the future by any means. Very scary though and vivid!

  2. First of all i have to say that that dream must have been very disturbing to you. But maybe what I am about to tell you will make you feel better. Honey it was a dream and nothing more than a dream. In life we do things, see things, and say things that later on get integrated into our dreams. I once answered a girl who had a dream of being raped in a church. And it turned out that she had heard about a rape in her neighborhood, and had recently beein in or beein around that church in her dream. Her mind put the two together and created this awful dream. And this is what i think has happened to you. Now I am not saying that all dreams mean nothing. I have had premonitions in my dreams before that fortold my future that came true, but those are rare and not everyone can get them or understand them. In this case it sounds like maybe you were watching some gory pirate movie, or maybe you read a newspaper headline that put this thought in your head which turned to a mini-movie in your dream. Don't get yourself riled up over this dream that meant nothing. before you head to bed from now on don't allow your mind to be contaminated by c**p. Listen to classical music or watch a nice love story, obviously you have a very active imagination and it was sent into over drive with this dream.

    So think about what you saw in your dream, write out the details, and then take a back track through the last few days prior to the dream and see if anything starts coming together. Did you see a pirate movie, did you hear of a news line that a little boy was drowned? I mean all of these things could have nothing to do with each other but they mingled in your dream.

    I hope I have put your mind at ease.

  3. wow.. your dream sounded terrible.. but dont worry i dont think your dream is trying to tell you the futrue.. i do know that there are symbols in dreams to help explain them.. but i also know that the imaginative part of your brain makes things up as you sleep.. it could either be out of no where or you had a good or bad day.. even it depends on what you were thinking before you fell asleep.. dont worry too much about it.. i hope i helped..

  4. Its a bi-product of a paranoid society. The dream is telling you that you need to go out an see the world for what it really is.

  5. Hi.  That could have been a "release dream" where you have pent up things and the mind is "deleting them to the trash bin" or it could have been a premonition dream, for any one of your family members to not go near any water, swimming or boating.  I had a dream on morning, that I saw my daughters friend drowned in a clear body of water.  We went to her friends house to warn her of this, and come to find out, they had been to the public swimming pool the day before, and were going again that day.  I am sure we saved that little girl from drowning that day,with that information.  Look up "dreams" and identify the different kinds,  and also keep yourself a "dream journal" and write down all your dreams.  Once you get it all together, you can then look at it like a picture, and start figuring out what is what.  I Love dreams, good or bad.  It just adds so much more to life, and the bad ones tell us what is going on in our lives too.  Good Luck...

  6. Your friend is incorrect.

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