
My friend plucked all her eyebrow hairs out... what does she do?????

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in an attempt to thin her eyebrows, my friend plucked them completely off. is there a product she can buy to grow them back in or what????? she needs HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. use a pencil and draw them in .

  2. How did she pluck all of them out??

  3. I have been plucking my eyebrows for 16 yrs.  I can honestly tell you that they will grow back  Until then she will have to use an eyebrow pencil or my favorite is eyeshadow for a more natural look.  If your friend is blonde have her use a brown.  If she has darker hair then have her use a dark brown or black.  

    I would not use anything to try and get them to grow back because her eyebrows could end up being to hairy! LOL

  4. Her eyebrows will grow back but not completely. There is no magical product to grow hair back. She can just use brow powder so she still looks like she has eyebrows. My mom has blonde hair and when she was young plucked her eyebrows a lot o now she uses brow powder and it looks like she has eyebrows.

  5. draw them on, eyebrows grow quick. Get her mom to help her or go to a professional... unfortuantley thats all she can do.

  6. they will grow back soon and need to make sure to tend them daily or weekly.......

  7. There is no product to make eyebrows grow. Tell her to draw them on with the right shade of eyeliner until they grow back.

  8. tyra banks said to take rogain and put it on a cotton swab and then CAREFULLY put it on the area that you want to grow back...but make sure its only the area you want to grow back because it does work...but i would ask a cosmetics specialist before trying this just in case.

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