
My friend poops too much, what is the sickness?

by  |  earlier

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my friend poops a lot. everytime she eats, or drinks, she's running to the bathroom. she says her stomach hurts before she uses the bathroom. is it a sickness, or is it normal?




  1. your friend might be bulimic -- and just saying she has a stomach ache so u wont' know she is bulimic -- get her some help now

  2. she has dookieitus. its a serious condition which causes you to immediately dookie after consuming food. don't fight it. just dookie as you need to.

  3. She may be lactose intolerant or have Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Or maybe she has food poisoning.

  4. it could be anything. she may be taking laxatives as she's bulimic, she may be sick... i don't know.

  5. she needs a doc.she can dehydrate....go..

  6. Shouldn't this be in the Health category rather than Food and Drink? Anyway I think she has have Irritable Bowel Syndrome or plain diarrhea - she might be eating too much fiber. I don't think you can be bulimic if you p**p - it goes out anyways...

    Hope this helped :)

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