
My friend.....? ?

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Ok my best friend is going through a tough time right now. I think she has an eating disorder (she is seeing a psychiatrist though) and her family is very unstable. Her mom has many mental disorders (like OCD) and is very unstable. She is also an alcoholic. Her dad is also an alcoholic and he always threatens to "kick her ***". luckily, my friends brother lives with them (he's 17) and he always stands up for her. He basically holds the family together. Her and her brother are very close. He also always has to drive my friend places and pay for things because her parents can't do that. The reason I'm concerned though, is what's going to happen when her older brother goes to college next year. I know he'll visit and everything, but he won't always be there to support her. I have talked about this with my parents, and they said she could stay at our house a lot. I don't want to tell any officials, I don't trust what they'd do is best. Like, I'm not really worried about her safety, because I think her mom would kick her dad out if he actually hurt her, but I'm worried about her mental health, because of her eating disorder, she shouldn't be in an unstable home. So what do you suggest? thanks! <33

btw, we're both 14. (almost 15)




  1. I&#039;m glad to see how protecting you are of your friend and her family!

    I personally think her parents are the ones who should get help. That&#039;s just awful having alcoholic parents! It sounds like the kids are actually taking care of their parents. Well anyways back to my answering, a child&#039;s helpline may come in handy. Maybe this case you should come to an official, but just make sure you confirm your friend first. I hope this all works out well, Good Luck!

  2. its a good idea for her to be staying at your house. but other than that umm i would say talk to an adult because this is getting really out of hand
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