
My friend said i'm un-american because I hate soda.Is there anyone else who hates soda and am i unamerican

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I mean i don't even like sparkling water.




  1. What in the known universe does drinking or not drinking soda have to do with being American?  Your friend is a twit.  Drink what you enjoy and perhaps a little of what is good for you.  Most sodas do not fall in this category.

  2. I don't think so.

    I'm not American, but I like America, and I hate soda too!

    It's not liking a product of your country that makes you a good citizen, it's respecting your values and history, and being proud of where you come from : )

  3. i dont like sparkin water .   plus ur not whatevevr dhey called u.

  4. Down with High Fructose Corn Syrup!

  5. Your friend is a loser...shes just jealous

  6. I don't HATE soda but I do drink very little of it...less than a 2 liter a year.  Too many empty calories and I don't need the caffeine.  So, no, you are not un-American.

  7. I hate soda too. the bubbles make me burp.

    I only really like carbonated drinks when mixed into cocktails.


  8. The neat thing about being "American" is that you have freedom to do what you want, and that includes eating and drinking what you want. Being unAmerican would be like people from Europe, or Japan, and I know for sure Europeans and Japanese LOVE soda!

  9. Obviously you're still American. Lots of Americans don't like soda; or hate it. =) I'm British and I don't really like soda either. I'm more into juices - Lemonade, Apple juice, etc. ^_^

  10. So what if you don't like soda?  Much about being an American is having the right to choose what you like and don't like and being able to stand up and say it and not be afraid.  Being able to stand up for yourself is what makes you an American, not what you like or don't like. :)

  11. my sister hates it and look on the bright side less calories for you lol

  12. no not at all, some of my best friends hate soda

  13. Well I'm not American but I am a Canadian.

    I don't like soda all that much either.  I will have it once in awhile.  It makes me burp a lot.   I like it mixed with alcohol but usually diet ones.   I also don't like sparkling water.

    I don't think it is unAmerican.   I think it is just being you.   Not everyone likes everything someone else likes.  Your friend is a goofball.

  14. thats ok. i dont like sodas too. the bubbles makes me burp so loud and my stomic dont feel so goood.Iam american too.

  15. it doesnt make you unamerican.

    My sister doesnt like soda anymore. She only drinks juice and water.

    My boyfriends brother is the same.

    I'm wierd.. I dont like carbonation, so I put water in my soda to flatten it.

  16. i like it sometimes

    im unamerican:]

  17. EAT soda and french fries..oh yeah and dunkin donuts.

    It the American way!~

    support capitalism!!~

  18. Maybe if Americans STOPPED drinking soda, they wouldn't be so OBESE.

  19. pfft not liking pop doesnt have ANYTHING to do with where you live!!!!!!

    and i know lots of ppl that dont like. they dont like the taste, the bubbles, or it upsets their stomach

  20. I hate soda- it's more of a KID type drink, IMO.  After reading about all the negative health effects, I think it's wise to give up on the bubby sweet stuff.

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