
My friend said im shocking for going out with a lad that she had a 1 night stand with a year ago?

by  |  earlier

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i am 16 years old and my boyfriend is 18 we have been together for 4 weeks and 2 weeks ago when my friend who is 22 found out that i was going out with him went mad saying she was in love with him so i finished with him thinking that i would lose out friendship over a boy and i didn't want that.the other night she told me she didn't like him anymore and was in a open relationship with a lad so i figured that it would be ok to get back with my ex as i still really liked him. but i told her today that me and my boyfriend were back together and she went mad again. she said that she doesn't care but thinks I'm still shocking even if she didn't like him any more. and told me to please myself and didn't no why i wanted to get with a lad she has slept with even if it was a year ago. she has never actually been in a relationship with him. please give me some answers of what i should do as i still want to be with my boyfriend but don't want to lose her as a Friend




  1. why is your friend being so selfish?..shes not with the guy and has told you she doesnt like him anymore so why the h**l should she care if you are now with him or not? she as a friend should be concerned with your happiness rather than her own selfishness. sounds like she thinks hes her territory now that she slept with him. news flash in this day in age people dont :own " other people. you like him and he likes you so stay with him and if she honestly has a problem with that then its her own problem and its not your fault she cant get over her hang ups

  2. Everybody needs to grow up.

  3. It was a year ago. She needs to let it go and take it for what it was... a one night stand. He may be a different person now, as should she. Its the past. It needs to stay in the past. Move forward with what you feel to be the right choice. Best wishes.

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