
My friend said pinto colored horses aren't allowed in the olympics and rolex. Is this true?

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and if so, why?




  1. PINTO?????????


  2. I'm not sure but I do know that in any English riding, paints aren't too popular. I know in Hunter/Jumper shows some judges take off points just because they aren't fond of paints. I don't think I have ever seen a paint in any of the olympic competions now that you mention it.

  3. This is totally false. Paint horses are actually lovely horses but unfortunately, there hasn't been a Paint Horse that has the talent and the training to compete at such a high level, or there has been but it was unfortunate to find a rider who could compete at such a high level . Being an Advanced horse in Eventing is extremely hard and difficult causes alot of horses that are tracked for eventing to gain an injury that causes them to not be able to compete at that level any more. Same with Grand Prix Jumping, it takes alot out of horses and can causes injuries, so it takes a really special horse to compete at that level. And with Dressage, it takes a horse with stellar movement and an intelligent mind in order to compete, and it also takes a clever rider. There are upper level jumpers, eventers, and dressage horses that are paint, but they are few and far in between!

    Now, come 2012 when Reining gets added to the Olympic repretoire at the London Olympics, then you could easily see a Paint or even an Appy because those horses are usually bred for that kind of work, you will rarely ever find Paint or Appy breeder that is breeding for Sport, and many times those horses end up being Crosses or Dutch Warmbloods. It would be nice to see a Paint or an Appy compete against all of those chestnuts, bays, grays, and blacks!

  4. its not true. its the quality of the horse. not the color of their hair.

    havent you seen any horses in either of those? ive seen pintos

  5. I 'am not sure but what does color have to do with the ability of the horse and rider. We have a lot of paint horse shows where I live and they are all great hunter jumpers..Some people only see in Black and White. But that's English Show People verses Western Show People.

  6. I don't know about the olympics or rolex, but I compete locally with a Paint in local events.  But I just want to make a point of clearification.

    A pinto is a colored horse without quarter horse breeding.

    A Paint is a colored or registered with Paint Horse Association (does have to have color) that has quarter horse breeding or looks like a quarter horse.

    Hope that helps anybody

  7. No, that's definitly not true. It's the talent and heart of the horse, not the color. It's just not seen that often. There was a buckskin there this year, but Jonathan Holling had to pull him out. If that was true they probably wouldn't have let Teddy compete.

  8. your friend is pulling your leg it's the skill of the horse and rider that matters not what colour it is.

  9. Any color horse is allowed in the Olympics, you just have to get them there.

  10. not true

  11. I don't believe that. Pinto is a color breed and I'm sure that a great many breeds can be double registered, registered in their own breed registry and registered as pinto if it they have the pinto spot pattern. If what your friend said was true then that would disqualify pinto Quarter Horses and pinto Quarabs and such. I just don't believe that can possibly be true.

  12. Not true: A good horse is not of a bad color.

  13. she was probably confused, they are allowed, technically, but you probably wont see one

    most of the rolex level horses are solid classy typical english colors (greys, bays, browns) because their breeds (TB, warmbloods) excel at jumping and those are the colors they come in

    paint and pinto typically, not always, are in stockier breeds like QH that just arent designed for the rigors of showjumping

    so, while it isnt impossible to find a paint TB or something or some phenomenal paint jumper, it just really isnt common. but if one did want to show at rolex, its legal

  14. All people saying that english riding frowns upon colored horses are wrong. Although some judges can be rather picky, its not bad to have a paint horse showing or being ridden english.

    My showjumping teacher rides an appaloosa, and showed over 5ft jumps, and his daughter (also an appaloosa) looks like she will be heading the same way.

    Although because paints are more stockier and aren't bred for jumping like warmbloods, there aren't many in the high levels of show jumping. Its more of the ability, because the horses in the rolex and olympics have to be the best jumpers, and have to be breed for it. Paints aren't built or bred for being the best showjumpers.

    Its not that its not allowed, but its more of the skill level needed.

  15. they are and panits r a color and breed  

  16. I agree with "pmay" Paints and other horses like that are not popular in the olymics.  The most popular breed is the TB and the WB breeds. This is because they are bred to jump and have a high endurance level.  If your planning to go in the olymics try going with one of the above.

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