
My friend said she didnt want to vote for Hillary cause many foreigners dont respect females.Is she right?

by Guest61566  |  earlier

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Should we base our votes on what how foreigners want us to vote?




  1. Pakistan had a woman prime minister. As did Indonesia. As does the Philippines, which has a sizeable Muslim population.

    This is an excuse by sexists who don't want to admit they won't vote for a woman because they are bigots.

  2. There was a female president of indonesia...In a muslim country now if she can get elected by the people then hilary doesnt have a problem.

    Foreigners dont care if the president is male or female. Except if they have saudis on there mind but there evil anyway so its a good idea to stay away from them anyway

  3. Well, not voting for Hilary is good, but that's just a stupid reason.

    Margaret Thatcher was treated with respect; all leaders are, in the international realm. It's how it works; they have to deal with whoever is Head of State.

  4. Tons of countries have female heads of state and they do just fine. If we want other countries to respect us, we should elect a president who will work on diplomacy and making the US a responsible neighbor, instead of invading everyone we don't like. In other words, a liberal.

  5. No you shouldn't but I'm not voting for Hillary for other reason's.

  6. Many other powers have had women in charge. England's had a female Prime Minister, as just one example. They didn't have many problems as a result-- the United States is way behind.  I don't think it's a reason to vote or not vote for someone.

    Most countries where women are seen as inferior tend to realize that things are different in the US anyway; if they use that as  a reason not to respect the US, it's just an excuse.

  7. You asked this exact question yesterday.

  8. She is right in that many foreigners view women as inferior, including the nations that we are currently in high stress situations or at war with.  

    I don't hold this in regard as my reason for not voting for her though....

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