
My friend said tht im ugly because i dont look native enough?

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cuz..ppl usually think tht i am puerto rican,cuban or dominican..and not native american,and my friend (who is very native looking) told me "as an inidan,you are ugly..but as a puerto rican,you are georgeous"...idk wht she meant by tht,because,i am i ugly?..cuz im not puerto rican





  1. thats jakked up ur not ugly

    ur pretty shes just jealous

  2. Just dont listen to stupid people that juge other by the way the you and keep going life is life live one day of your life like if it was the last one.forget about friends like that just let them go...

    good luck


  3. that doesnt really make any sense

    i dont think it matters what nationality u look like

    maybe shes just jealous (:


  4. Well, you are what you are, regardless of how you look! My a-little-darker-than Halle Berry brown skin does not change the fact I'm part White, and my hard-to-take-care-of-naturally-curly-hai... does not change the fact I'm part Native American.

    Sounds like someone with issues. That person's, NOT yours!

  5. well, if your friend was a good friend she wouldn't call you ugly at all

  6. I think she said that you don't look native american in a really strange way...

  7. gurl ive seen u, ok u r gorgeous lol ur rely pretty!

    n dat sont make no snse dat becasus u dnt luk all dat native ur ugly dat dont make sense, cus watevr race u r or watevr race ppl think u are, ur still beautiful like either way


  8. she prob didnt mean it that way

    she said u dont look native enough

    and u said native is "ugly" which i think is wrong

    but if she said native is ugly and said u dont look native then

    shes trying to say ur pretty=p

  9. Its just complete ignorance my friend. You have white people ( many Portugese and Italians in particular) who have dark features and a very "latin" look. If they were latino they'd be considered hot, but dark complexed non-hispanic whites are viewed as "ugly" (just look how people depict Armenians and Eastern Europeans).

    I'm half Puerto Rican, half white and I pretty much look like a white boy according to most latinos and according to everyone else I look like "something else" because I have gold colored eyes, an olive-tan skin color and dark brown hair. I'm not considered particular attractive to most white people (not that I care what they think because I'm not really into them either), most hispanic people see me as an "unattractive white boy", but ironically a lot of blacks, indians (from india, not native americans), pacific islanders and some asians find me really attractive.

    Its sad how people have such a narrow view of their own race and culture that they have to put down others who don't meet their "criteria". I've learned not to identify with being hispanic, or latino, or even white. I'm my own person. You are your own person and nothing else.

  10. i think that remark was stupid and extremely mean and racist.

    you call her your friend?

  11. ...

    Your friend is rude. Tell her she is ugly for a peurto rican and gorgeous for a native. OR... do it how I would say it

    "Do you know what you just said?" if she says no, say it to her and ask her how that sounds.

  12. your 'friend' sounds like she has some problems.  it doesn't matter what race or ethnicity you are or resemble, she basically said that she thinks you're ugly.  now if she was a good friend, she wouldn't care what you looked like.  as for what people perceive you as, who gives a flying f*** what they think, all that matters is what you think.  i know it's easy to hear that and hard to do it, and it took me a long time to become comfortable in my own skin but once i did, people noticed and then they noticed me and my personality.  your 'friend' is probably unhappy, or perhaps she is jealous.  do you get hit on a lot, by people other than other Native Americans?  or do a lot of other Native boys like you or pay more attention to you instead of her when you guys hang out?  she's got to have some kind of ulterior motive to say something like that.  if you think you are pretty, or even if you just think you are average, don't let anyone else ever tell you otherwise.  good luck.  and find a new friend!!

  13. youre friends probably just jelous dont listen to her that doesnt even make sense...

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