
My friend says she's Selena Gomez cousin?

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Can I believe her?She use to be my best friend but now were just friends.




  1. No

  2. why are you telling us this? we couldnt care less

  3. yeah ya should belive her cuz im selena great aunts ex boyfriend step daughters ex lover!!!!!i know ur ex best mate!!! and i know why ur just friends now......... :)

  4. hmm, more than likely she's not, but they're always that possibility. ask her how she's related to selena.

  5. You have to tell her that I want you to call her... and SHE HAS TO, because ALL FAMILIES have connections.

    I'm 2nd cousin of Selena Gomez!

  6. Well if she would be then she would have probably told you before she was on Disney Channel. She would have told you that her cousin got the role on a new Disney Channel show and that she was on Barney....

    Why would she tell you now?

    Well tell her if she is your cousin do you have pictures of your families together?

    Like Selena's family with her family...

    Anyways, the percent of them being cousins is one in a million, like one in a billion, one in a zillion ; )


  7. she's probably lying and how come your just friends?

  8. Your friend is a liar.

  9. uh no. if she was then well sucks for you but she most defiantly isn't her cousin. that's stupid.

  10. liar liar pants on fire;...

  11. ask her again in front of her mom or dad

  12. Well if she is always the liar. And if you're just friends, and not best friends anymore... she could be trying to win you back. DON'T LET HER. You need to follow your own heart, but keep in mind, SHE'S NOT SELENA'S COUSIN BECAUSE if she was, she would prove it. Don't ever let people like that try to win you over with stupid things, SHE'S INSECURE. because she knows she doesn't have anything better to do, so yeah.  

  13. nah probably not

  14. I think she is lying to you . Everyone tries saying they're related to some celebrity at some point in their life . Are they telling the truth ? Mabey , but probaly not .

  15. Yes, It's true. I am Selena's uncle

  16. After a long time your her best friend, does she always lie or is she a lier?? and is there any curious face or something ... and when does she tells you that one?if just now, she maybe lied but if she told you long time ago before selena's famous, she didn't lie...

  17. haha. no. people will say anything.

  18. No dont believe her, she must be really stupid to claim something like that!

  19. of course not

  20. Ask if she has pictures of Selena and how she is related to her.

  21. Thanks for the 2 points loser

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