
My friend says that one of the founding ideas of the eu was to prevent war in europe is this true?

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My friend says that one of the founding ideas of the eu was to prevent war in europe is this true?




  1. I can't find anything to say yes or no to your statemant but it sounds like a really good idea to me. check out this link it gives a lot of information about the EU

  2. The European Union was formed more for economic reasons then preventing war in Europe. I think your friend is thinking of NATO which was established as a military alliance between North America and Europe.

  3. The EU is an invention of the devil.  No good will ever come of it.

  4. Its foundation is based on the Coal and Steel Union formed just after World War II, between France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Luxemburg and the Netherlands.  It was an attempt to prevent these nations from fighting over the coal and steel in the Saar Region and Alsace-Lorraine.  It morphed into various organizations all leading to the European Union.

  5. It may be a byproduct v. an intent.

    Presently, the US is 30% of the Worlds economy.  The EU was set up in the hopes to rival that. The bigger you are, the more clout you have in World market.

    There are other alliances:  NAFTA is one.  It makes us bigger v. Europe.

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