
My friend says that skateboarding is a waste of time should I start Skateboarding anyway?

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Whats so good about it?




  1. most people find it fun. you should at least try it before listening to your friend get a cheap blank deck so you wont have to put much money into something ur not sure about. try it untill u can at least ollie a foot and then make ur decision.

  2. Dude, I'm a skateboarder and I started skating in 7th grade at age 12 and I am 14. My friends were always hating on skateboarders but I really loved it. If your friend is trying to prevent you from doing something you love then he is not a true friend. go to and you will see what joy doing what you love can bring to you. Skateboarding is the best thing that ever happend to me and I want more kids to start doing because I is fun and keeps you from "wasting time" playing video games and eating donuts all day. So what are you waiting for? Go buy a skateboard and start doing it, trust me you wont regret it. Live to Skate will maybe someday for you turn into Skate to Live(professionalism)

  3. your friends a douche bag.  skateboarding will keep you in shape, keep your mind calm and will incredibly improve your balance.  also girls like guys who can skateboard well.  youll meet new people too.  i recommend going on youtube and looking up daewon song.  hes pretty inspirational when it comes to wanting to skateboard.

  4. The fun comes in completing a ride or jump without failure or injury.

    if you are a klutz or are known as a clumsy person you might want to reconsider.  If you are athletic and have good eye, and foot coordination then you could really have fun at it.

    Just remember; unless you are extremely good then it should be a hobby and so you should continue to develop job skills to support yourself.

  5. so is sitting inside all day doing nothing,,hmm that or skateboarding. dude it's alot of fun, you'll meet new people almost everyday make different friends and learn cool things. At least try it out and deside for yourself, but if your friend rules your life let them deside.

  6. yes...duh follow what your heart wants to do not what your friend wants to do

  7. follow your heart dont listen to your friend. Its really fun. i skateboard..

               I didnt care about skateboarding when i was playing video games. Then my freind had his 10 birthday and his uncle got him a skateboard. Then he showed it to me and i thought this might be fun so i went out and bought a skateboard and now im riding ramps and doing crazy tricks so just be your self and follow your heart and do what you want to do. :)

  8. Your friend is entitled to his opinion, no matter how wrong it is.  

    Skateboarding is all about freedom.  There are very few rules to follow, only the laws of physics.  Even at public or private skateparks, there are very few rules.  No other sport has this advantage.  

    Life's too short to worry about what your friend thinks.  Let him do his own thing.

  9. if you really want to do it then go ahead & do it...its really up to you...but skateboarding is actually a fun acitivity

  10. I've been skateboarding for a couple years now, forget what your friend says, its a lot of fun and its a great way to express yourself.

    it takes a lot of practice, a lot of speed, a lot of bruises...i guarantee you will fall a lot but what sport aren't you going to get hurt at now a days, maybe your friend thinks its a waste of time because he/she is to chicken to try it for themselves. I've nailed a back flip over a transfer, i like to see your friend do that.

    anyway...i say do what you want to do. its a great sport regardless of what other people say.


  11. if it is something you really want to do your friend can suck it peer pressures a s***k follow your heart and dreams

  12. Nothing. It is a waste of time.

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