
My friend seems to be anorexic. What do I do?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, first off, she's very thin, but is not 'anorexically' thin..yet. Well, I've only known her for a couple months, but we're very, very good friends. I have most definately noticed her torso has gotten thinner. These are some of the things she says/does:

-I want something to eat. Something with ZERO calories.

-I'm in the mood for celery and mustard. Or cucumber and mustard.

-I've already eaten too much, I hate myself.

-I don't feel good. Its because I ate, I just want to puke.

-I look like I have balloons in my thighs!

And other things like that. Things she does..

She'll eat a half a bowl of vegetable soup and say that she's huge and she ate like a pig. She always says she's huge, or shes sooo fat, and she constantly says how much weight she wants to lose or has lost.

She finds anorexic people beautiful, and often will sketch anorexic looking bodies, very realistically. She even said she wanted to start smoking because it makes you thinner!

What should we do, and when should we do it? What are things we can tell her besides, "You're not fat!" because that obviously doesn't work too well.

Thank you so much.




  1. definatly aproach it carefully....i suffer from anorexia and the last thing i ever want to hear is "you are not fat" or "just eat something already"....the best thing you can do is tell her that you are worried about her and if she needs to talk you will listen....other than that be aware of what you say around her....avoid conversations having to do with body image and weight....good luck!

  2. well send me a pic and ill tell ya if you should join the *****

  3. Your friend does sound anorexic, and it's a good thing that you care enough to want to help out. First off, you may want to confront her calmly about the situation. Don't come right out and say "I think your anorexic!" just tell her that you think she may have a problem and ask to discuss things. Tell her that your worried about her health, and that you'd like to help her. If talking to her about things doesn't seem to help, tell an adult about the situation, even if she tells you not to. This is for HER health, and in the long run, she will thank you.

  4. i know what your going through. my bestfriend used to be anorexic. i think you should talk to her about it or talk to her family. You should get her some professional help.

    i wish you luck.

  5. give her a lampshade.

  6. It seems like your friend probably has a self-esteem disorder. You could tell her how beautiful she is all you want, but she'd never believe you.

    If I were you, I would (gently) confront your friend and tell her you're concerned for her health. Make sure to be gentle and don't yell at her. She's probably already in a very fragile state. Remind her that she's beautiful the way she is, and she simply can't get any thinner.

    If she refuses to listen to you, I know this sounds harsh, but you need to intervene and get her help. Tell her mom or a school counselor or someone you trust. She'll probably hate you for awhile, but in the end she'll realize you were trying to save her from herself.

    Good luck, dear. This is a sticky situation for sure.

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