
My friend seems to not be caring about me anymore?

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Ok all this Summer I hung out with my best friend, who's g*y. And we didn't really hang out with anyone else. Now back to school he's hanging with everyone, except me. He seems to be kinda ignoring me. And when I go over his house we hang for a few hours. But then he hops on the computer and stops talking. And my other friends say that he mentions me randomly saying "Omg yeah I only have one best friend. And thats her!!!" or "She's most important!" or "Shes my biffle" or something. But I don't know, he sure has a funny way of showing it.




  1. He could be a friend but he may want to be with others at certain times. He may not get to see them as much as he see's you. Also if he stops saying things to you them honestly he may have ran out of things to say. He still mentions you then your a friend.

  2. It sounds as if he is a little embarrassed by what people will think of you both at school. Do others know he is g*y? Or are you the only one? If many know, does his being g*y cause a stigma for you in their eyes, one that he wants to protect you from?

    The only way you will know why he is treating you this way is to ask him point blank. Don't let him jump on the computer and ignore you -- get the answer.  It may be that he wants to appear normal at school, keep his true identity in the closet, and fears you will talk about it with him in front of people.

    Let him know that he is hurting you.  If the adage is true that g*y men are far more sensitive than straight guys, then he will feel your pain and have great sorrow about it.  

    But the result, no matter what it is, will be bearable. You cannot heal a wound by ignoring it; it will fester and be filled with an infection that may only be saved by severing the tie.  Take care of it now.

    Let him know that you are his best friend, and where he stands with you.

    And good luck!  It is a tough situation to be in.


  3. I think that he really does considers you his best friend but sometimes after spending too much time together, you get sick of each other or annoyed. I went through that. One of my best friends and I started to spend way too much time together and just everything she did started to annoy me. So for like a month, we just didn't spend AS MUCH time together. But now we're still the best of friends and I don't get annoyed with her. But yeah, when I was annoyed with her, I didn't really talk to her as much. I think that's probably what's going on with you and your best friend since you two spent time with just each other the whole summer.  

  4. It's probably because you guys have hung out all summer and he wants to see other people he hasn't seen. If you guys are going to school to you might want to think about that maybe he doesn't want to give guys the wrong impression ( that your his girlfriend). I wouldn't worry about it if I were you, but if it bothers you that much you need to confront him about it. Good luck!  

  5. Talk to him about it. That is the only way you will know for sure. Good Luck.

  6. Why don't you just ask him, or write him a letter similar to this posting? Either he's tired of your hanging around or he is taking you for granted.

  7. *********Brandon, why don't you learn how to spell before you start putting other people down. You are the one who looks like a loser.*******

  8. maybe he's feeling something for you ;).

    i know you mentioned he was g*y and people grow out of it.

    Hope I Helped!


    Feel free to message me for any questions.

  9. Oh very sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. you should tell him how you feel. im sure he doesn't realize hes doing it, he just feels really comfortable with taking advantage of your friendship.  

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