
My friend shaved my head please help school starts in 5 days!!!!!!!!!!!!?

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okay i have a pic:

how long untill that will grow proper?

schoool starts in 5 days.....




  1. I think it will take a couple of weeks at least for it to grow closer to the length of the rest.  Best thing to do would be to cut your hair to match the length of the spot your friend shaved in it.  That way your hair will be equal length.  

  2. Here are a few things you can do:

    ~Buy a wig

    ~Leave it alone

    ~Wear a hat

    ~Wear a beanie doesn't look all that bad...

    Good luck!=)

    It will take a couple of months for it to grow though...

  3. Sorry, I'm afraid to say it won't grow back in 5 days. Hair grows about 1cm each month, so maybe a month and it'll be ok again. In the meantime, try dying your hair slightly darker maybe and the dye will go onto your skin and hopefully colour your skin a light brown so it'll show up less

    good luck--x

  4. well, u still have some hair left, go to the hairdressers and ask their opinion or call but i would give it 4 days to grow but then on the little amount of hair u Have put on extensions, u never know, ur hair could be nicer than b4 but i warn u it will cost alot!!! on 1 website for 12 inches of hair on ur whole head is £300 and i found a website that specialises in hair loss. if its to expensive were a hat.

    Good luck! hope my advice helps x

  5. You could just even it out and wait for all of it to grow back in. If not though, I would go with the above solution, unless your school doesn't allow hats.

    As for hairstyles other than a buzzcut, just go to a barber shop and tell them you're looking for something more interesting. They know hair- they'll help you out.

  6. give it 5 days to grow back if it dosent you better get that low cut

    plus i dont think it will grow back and if it does it wont look right just cut everything off

  7. just shave your entire head.

    theirs nothing else you can do.

    if not,

    but a hat like this.

  8. I am afraid you don't have much of a choice mostly because your hair has been bleached which make things look worst. The only thing you can do within five days is get it buzzed down to where you don't see the difference any more. Buzz cuts are in fashion and you don't need to wear a hat. Also you can go around school proudly with your new style.

  9. Okay, in five days your hair will grow back only a little. So, your hair will be very uneaven. If i were you, i would shave the rest off, or place it with extensions

    hope i helped!

  10. Its not a hard fix, it doesn't look bad. Try a crew cut (military style).  it will be a bit longer on the top, and not too close in the sides.  That way it looks normal, and not like you got your head shaved in one spot and tried to cover it up lol.  Good luck on the decision, and sorry about your hair.

  11. definitely dont wait for it to grow out and i dont think a buzz is that bad ! just get it cut to the length of however short that one spot is!


  12. LMAO! your friend is evil. i say you do it back to him and then you two can rock the same style.

    i think a buzz cut is your best choice here my friend.

    if i were you though, id get him back, and rock the hairstyles we give each other!!!

    start the year with a funny haircut! that will get them all talking!

  13. Go to a barbershop and tell the barber to give you a shape up. The hair is not that long so it will look like a new hairstyle.

  14. you were stupid enough to let your friend shave your head?Ever hear of the word: no?But to me it looks like it'll take 2-3 months depending on how fast your hair will grow, and seriously, you're ruined for school, just go with the goth image till it grows back and stay under a hood...

  15. Oh that is kinda sad, why did he shave your head?  Whatever; ok this is like a major emergency.  This happened to my bro and what I told him to do was this, get like a ton of sleep and eat nothing but fruits and veg tables.   It may not sound like it would work but it does I promise.  But you do have diff. hair, so if it doesn't (which it will) then wear a really cool hat.

    And also for styles.  This may sound g*y for a boi but you can still do it.  Grow it out to like a med shag and then in the mornings after a shower put a baseball hat on backwards and then use a girl brush; you know like a circle brush and blow dry it flipping up the sides.  Then take off the hat and shake your head.  It works, and girls ttly dig it,

  16. 5 days isn't a long time for hair growth.  Wait until the 4th day and then have the rest cut to match the length of the lowest point.

  17. dude how could you let your friend do that?

    did you give them a couple of slaps? seriously!

    that's not going to grow any before school

    starts so you either got to get a wig or just go

    to school & tell everyone your friend decided

    to test his barber skills on you...good luck.

  18. Get the rest of your hair cut so that the (now short part) is the longest part.

    Or you could go bald, shave your eyebrows too. Say you had chemotherapy and lots of sypathy s*x.  Girls love to play nurse madens.

  19. just shave it all off and regrow it the style doesnt look much different anyway from what i can see just grow it after its all been shaved off  

  20. Hair grows an average of 1/2 inch per month.  Recently cut hair grows a little faster, but not enough to make much of a difference in 5 days.  I don't know what to suggest in the way of hair styles for young men.  Some of the younger people might have suggestions for you.  As far as I can tell from the picture, it doesn't look all that unusual.

  21. Proper as in how long?

    If it's enough to cover your eyes, I should say couple of months.

    Trust me, 5 days aren't going to change that hair by much. In fact, either you shave the rest, or keep it like that.

  22. Lol why did you let your friend do that to you? All I can think of is get a hat or shave the rest of your hair off to even it out.  

  23. turn into a muslim you can wear a hat all day

  24. What happened a chunk is missing... it's hard to tell. but I would go to a salon let them fix it. Don't worry guys buzz there hair all the time you probably look great. Girls like guys with short hair!

  25. I say to cut your hair into TWO mohawks.

    That's pretty cool..or shave your head completely. We are in the year 2008! A bald head isn't THAT BAD.

    Just wear Dr.Martins


    Fitted 501's

    and an Operation Ivy shirt...

    Kick it with the Skins for a few weeks, go to some shows, make new friends!

    Look at the bright side.

    It is HAIR..IT GROWS BACK!!!!!

  26. Sorry their is nothing you can do with that except buzz cut it and get it cut properly. But here is another option you can get waves after it is buzzed cut. Talk to the  barber about it this time not your friend, and what would posses you to let him cut it anyway.

  27. either shave it all off, or just wear a bandana or wig. you can pull it off somehow

  28. Oh dear. It's going to take a couple of months but while your at school you could wear a hat and hide away OR just take it as a complete laugh and show everyone that your not bothered by it and it was done for a dare. Then it wont be as funny to everyone else.

  29. Haha, sorry but your screwed, that will take a month or so to fully grow back to normal, i'd get revenge on that person who did it because thats there for a while.

  30. It's going to take more than 5 days to grow your hair, lucky for you it can be fixed. Go to a barber, hair salon...whatever.

  31. if you want it to have the right shape and everything you would have to get a buzz cut. also if you just want it to grow back with cutting anything just wear a hat. lol i  would hate to be u.

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