
My friend showed me some horrible KFC cruelty video... If KFC really does this, how come nobody stops them?

by  |  earlier

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I really don't understand how that can be legal... Or, how ANY of it can be legal. It's disgusting. :/




  1. nobody stops them because this world revolves around MONEY. KFC makes money!!! they can just pay people off.

  2. Is it the video from Http:// ?

    That video is sickening. I tried going vegetarian after that, but it didn't last long.

    Someone does need to do something about that.

  3. Because they don't have to.  Its all perfectly legal in the eyes of the government.

    If you thought that KFC video was bad, why not check out some common slaughterhouse practices, such as pushing cattle down slaughter chutes with forklifts and electric shocks?  Merely stunning hogs (which doesn't work, half the time) only to string them up to be plunged into vats of boiling water to singe off their fine hair before their throats are even slit?  The thousands of poultry who are kept in too close quarters, barely alive because they're being pumped full of antibiotics and hormones to make their meat grow?

    I'm no PETA supporter.  And although i was for 6 years, I'm no vegetarian.  Now i go out of my way to eat locally raised, free range, grass fed, organically raised meat.

    Fast food is killing a nation.  Why not distance yourself from it as much as possible?

  4. I have wondered that myself... and i dont know, but plz tell me when you find out..

  5. I saw this too - never been to KFC since. I really don't know how they get away with it. Truly awful. I suppose the best thing that we can do is just to spread the word.

  6. i havent seen it yet

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