
My friend the the most un greenest person ever, help?

by  |  earlier

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today, we went into a shop to buy a drink each, i bought one in a bottle, so I could take it home and recycle it, my freind bought one also in a bottle, but when asked at the counter whether she wold like a bag, she said yes, a huge whopping bag for a bottle she was going to drink. Then, right outside, when she finished the drink, she put the bag in the bin. I was so mad, so always does things like this. So, in a jokey way, i gave her a scolding. Then she replied that global warming doesnt exist, this tipped me over the edge so i gave a lecture...sigh. she has never recycled, goes around in the car all day and does nothing for the world around here, while i recycle everything, dont use plastic bags (i take my own fabric bags for shopping) and walk or cycle EVERYWHERE. am i being too green, is this normal? and how can i get my friend to care? she is imune to my lectures and rants and once her mind is made up about something, it wont change believe me. It just infuriates me to write HELp




  1. Sometimes lecturing people makes them more stubborn.  I am like you, and my husband is not.  I just keep doing the right thing and eventually he follows along because he knows that really I'm right. Also, remember that all your efforts on some level make up for the people like your friend who do nothing.  It's a cumulative thing, so all us green people together make an impact for our non-green co-habitants. You could help her be green by giving her appropriate gifts-- a nice fabric shopping bag, a stainless steel water bottle to replace all those horrible plastic ones, etc.  It couldn't hurt, and maybe (eventually!) it will help!  Good Luck!

  2. Well its a good thing you are her friend because the two of you combined equal two people who are moderately green.

    Maybe instead of scolding her you could just try to explain your views to her nicely.

    She has her free will do what she chooses you may not agree with her actions but if she is a good friend you may not want to push her away because of lack of recycling skills.

  3. u r AWESOME! but dont try and convince her global warming exists, just tell her that if she doesnt stop, then global warming MIGHT start (even tho it already has). also, look up some facts like how many miles of land is just full of garbage and look up facts like that. MAKE HER BELIEVE WITH FACTS, BUT NOT "OPINION"

  4. you can't fix her.

    only government regulations can do that.

    about riding around in a car, i'm surprised that she hasn't complained about the price of gas.

    but it won't be long before she does.

    you'll see $10-15-20 a gallon within 10 years.

    i think that they're charging for bags in some places.

    go to your city council meeting and suggest that they do that in your town.

  5. Ur friend does that because she either wants to annoy you or because her mind is too closed to see why you should recycle and use less plastic.  U r knot too green.

  6. It just sounds like your friend is very immature and naive.  Maybe you could offer to recycle stuff for her when you have the opportunity.  Unfortunately some people are just self-centered, especially when they're young, and don't care how their actions impact other people or the environment.

    You're not bing too green - keep up the good work.  Here's a cool green website you might like, by the way:

  7. somehow, you have to convince her that global warming does exist.

  8. If it bothers you that much, drop her as a friend.  It sounds like she's causing you too much stress, really.  If she wants to be a lazy bum and not do her part, she can do it without you.

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