
My friend thinks something is going to happen to him, I need advice?

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My friend is freaked out because of a series of events that has happened in the passed couple of days. It started when he was in his room alone and heard a voice saying "hey" so he said hey back and and nothing happened. So he said "hey" louder and he heard a demon like voice and it said "hey" back to him. Then the next morning and he was walking down the stairs and he felt something push him and he hit the wall and fell down the stairs. Later that day his dad was taking a nap and he woke up and he didn't know where he was or who he was and him and his mom thought he had a stroke, but he went back to sleep and woke up and was fine but didn't remember what happened. Then today his parents went to New York (we live in PA) for the day. While they were there a man right down the street from where we live got hit by a train on a bridge that the train goes over while walking his dog. It turns out that his brother went to the same bridge that day and his brother also has a dog. It wasn't him that got hit but the guy that did was from New York. I told him (just joking) that something bigger was going on and connected that his parent were in New York with the guy that got killed from New York, and the bridge with his brother going to the bridge, also all this weird stuff happened, also he has been having the same dream for the past week (I don't know what the dream was about) but now he is freaked out and thinks something is going to happen to him. Please give me your advice on what to say to him or about what is going on!




  1. Someone has cursed him, find out the reason why? l'm not a witch or someone who has practiced any art as a profession, take my suggestion with caution. Keep your friend in a circle of salt, the purest kind. Nacl, with plenty and make sure the circle isn't broken. Now keep him there for awhile and see if anything occurs, deduce your own results. Lets say something wanted to break the circle but wasn't able to then the circle of purifying is working and you should keep him there while investigating what is going on, do not hesitate to step inside the circle if you too need shelter. Give him a bowl of pure water, water is said to be able to banish and wash away these things. Such as when an object is cursed, the locals of my land have trusted that dropping it in a flowing river washes away it and its influence.

    Grant him fire as well, a safe fire like a candle will do. lt's light is akin to the sun and strangely, the sun adversely affects these things.

    Then get a professional, these are convinient measures l would take.

  2. I think you need to get a priest. Sounds like the entity he is dealing with is negative and the only way to get rid of that kind of entity is to have your house blessed or exorcised.  

  3. Just a demon. Get Him and yourself saved and repent for the Tribualtion starts soon...

  4. I agree with Daniel S and Snickers, your friend needs a lot of prayer. I would also add that you must be careful of what you say because you might plant the seed of future actions or events in his mind. For example  you might say to him don't cross the street tomorrow at 9.00am because you will be hit by a bus. Your friend will reply okay I take note of what your saying but subconsciously his mind will be on that street and it is quite possible that he could make the event happen. The human mind is a complicated machine and strange things can happen without our conscious mind being aware. If your friend is feeling upset or disturbed try and get some professional help such as a counselor and/or a priest who  knows how to handle such matters.

  5. Tell him to go see a doctor

  6. omg thats creepy! i believe in ghosts so tell him to pray every morning and night for everyone everything in every way! tell him i praying for him and dont watch any horror movies until this all stops!

  7. You think that's weird. I was in a bathroom stall the other day and a voice in the stall next to me said, "Hello." So, I said, "Hello." It said, "How're you doing?" I said, "Fine." Then it said, "Shut up, I'm on the phone."

  8. tell the police about it!! someone might be stalking  him or hiding in his house. ask him if the voice he heard sounds REAL as if someone is acctualy there.  

  9. First of all tell your friend to calm down. Apparently there could be a demon that basically is trying to torment him and trying to make him be afraid. this demon also appears to be trying to hurt him as well. All your friend needs to do is pray and ask Jesus Christ to protect him and his family.By praying I mean simply going somewhere privately and just talk to God (like you would a normal person) and asking him to protect him and his family. Then whenever he hears a demon or anything strange he needs to command that demon to leave him and his house alone in the name of Jesus Christ.By commanding them I mean telling them forcefully as if you could see them (like you would a human being) to leave you and your house alone, using the name of Jesus Christ. Your friend in addition to the above could let a pastor bless his house, pray for him and give him advice about the situation. You can send me a message if you need more advice.

  10. Tell him to fight whatever gets thrown at him.  

  11. Tell him and his Dad to go to the doctor for a check up in case there is something physically wrong with them - although your friend is probably suffering only from rampant imagination.

    And explain that you were only joking about the bridge thing.

  12. ur friend needs to pray and other people to pray for him!

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