
My friend told me to post a stupid question so what color is snow?

by  |  earlier

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i know it is a stupid question she wanted to see the answers she is very creative




  1. yellow

  2. White

  3. purple :]

    now can u answer my question plz?;...

  4. Well, you can get black snow from when a volcano erupts while it's snowing and the ash forms with the snowflakes while they fall.

    You can also get red snow, I think it's from magma from a volcano, probably wrong.

    Purple snow.

    White snow, duh. :L

    And the best...

    Yellow snow ;)

  5. umm WHITE! unless its bloody snow then it turns red when you step on it. for reals.  please pick me as best answer

  6. The answer lies in snow's messy construction. A beam of white sunlight entering a snow bank is so quickly scattered by a zillion ice crystals and air pockets that most of it comes zinging right back out of the snow bank. No one wavelength is preferentially absorbed or reflected, so snow is essentially the color of the sunlight reflecting off it -- white.


    But all snow is not so snow-white. Occasionally, walking across white snow, you'll see color flashes, like sparkles from a diamond. In this case, a cold, dry night has probably squeezed the last moisture out of the air and onto the top layer of snowflakes, where it has crystallized in a faceted pattern similar to ... a diamond. These little torture chambers bend and split light into its rainbow of wavelengths the way a prism does.

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