
My friend want to be pregnant before senior year of HS, help!!!!!

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My friend have a plan that she would move out of home at 17, maybe live w/ our good friend and get pregnant by him, all before SENIOR year of hs.....we will be in 10th grade!

We r 16. I told her that its not good idea. She said she can make it and will survive, but I'm not sure......I asked her "what for"..... She said "independent"..........

What I do if she brings that topic up?




  1. f*ck her uP.

    that dumb hoe.

  2. tell her to stop being so stupid!!, if she really wants to be independent why don't she get a job do good in school, and graduate that will show maturity and she'll have a better chance of being independent i she has more opportunities..having a baby will do nothin but complicate her life, odds are she will not be independent  , most teens can't be they either have help from there parents or the state, so she has a her facts all mixed up.

  3. My bestfriend got pregnant before finishing HS, and now she can't go back to school, or get a diploma, or go to college. tell your friend the conciquences of having a baby before finishing HS and maybe she will re-consider when she hears that she won't be able to get into college without a diploma and she won't be able to get a job or anything to provide for herself and her baby.  

  4. You can tell her she is rushing it and bumped her d**n head HARD. I am expecting my first any day now and I am 19. I finished high school and I am going to college. I am doing my college online and will be able to finish while raising my son and working. She needs to stop rushing life and enjoy it first.

  5. I am 17 with a 2 yr old boy. (had him when I was 14)

    Having a baby does not instantly make you independent, it makes you MORE dependent. Some one in high school cannot survive and provide for their child like a parent is supposed to.

    ps/ After having a baby (if you are the mom you are supposed to be) you will have no life if you are completely independent; your life is your child.

  6. If she brings the topic up than you should just tell her that if what she wants is to independent, getting pregnant is not a choice, she is going to have to take care of another person besides herself, she won´t be able to do what teenagers do.  Just getting pregnant because she wants to "become" an adult is such an irresponsible action.  If she wants to move out than she will have to get a job to pay for her stuff and go to school at the same time, is there any room for a baby in that situation?  don´t think so.  Remember she has to be responsible for her actions, you are not responsible for her, as a good friend that you are you can just advise her and help her in any way you can, but it does not mean you have to accept  everything.  Try to make her see she has plenty of time to do so much in life, she is just starting to live, and this is not the same as wasting her life.  

  7. Tell her she still has her whole life ahead of her and having a baby now would hold her back from many many things. Not to mention that she and this boy won't be together forever. Most importantly, it's not fair to the baby. What kind of life can she give a baby before she has even graduated from high school? Who will buy diapers? Pay car insurance on a vehicle to take them to and from the doctor? Buy clothes?

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