
My friend wants a baby, she's young and...?

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My best friend has been talking like she's going to try and get pregnant, I myself became a mom at age 19 (the same age she is) and found it hard and put a lot of delays on things I want to do with my life. I don't know if I should try to talk her out of it or just accept that most people do what they want to do, regardless of what I say.

How do I explain to my friend how hard it is to have a baby? Especially since she only has her GED, no college and only a part time job.


What do I do? talk her out of it, or let her do what she wants?




  1. I would sit down and have a heart to heart with her.  She knows you care about her, and are only looking out for her best interests.  Just be completely honest and candid with her.  She may not appreciate it at first, but I imagine she'll be glad you were honest with her.

  2. Please talk her out of it!  There's no mention of a partner in her life either and I believe it takes two to raise a child(ren).  You know what I'm talking about.  

    Oh geez though - good luck!  I am sorry you are in this situation.  Try and be non-confrontational - and just tell your story.  You don't have to get right to the point or even make a point, you know.  Just share stuff and all you can do is hope it sinks in.

    It might help her if you shared your dreams and stuff you regret as well - you know - without being too depressing.

  3. i would try to talk her out of it. no offense 19 is too young. especially if she's not married. she has soo much to experience before having a baby. a baby will just limit the things she can do. talk her out of it. its the best idea for her

  4. Ask her if her part-time job has medical insurance. Ask her what she plans to do if she ends up with a high-risk pregnancy and cannot work. Ask her how she is going to pay for diapers, formula (If she doesn't breast feed), clothes, etc if she is not working. It is not fair for someone to bring a baby into the world in her situation and then expect taxpayers to support them.

  5. Well you could let her babysit that will help her out!!

  6. I would at least TRY to talk to her about it.  You know what she's in for and she doesn't.  She may not listen to you but at least you can say that you did your best to warn her.  If you trust her I would ask her to watch your child for about 24 hours and see how she feels afterward.  She may be an excellent mother and maybe this is just what she wants.  

    Good luck!

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