
My friend wants to join the lapd, but he smoked a lot of pot during his college days. can he still get in?

by Guest31688  |  earlier

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we were talking about him wanting to join but he is unsure whether his previous drug use will disqualify him. he has only smoked pot and has never done any other drug. please help




  1. He will have to lie but he would be able to pass the drug test if he hasn't been using in a while.  Its not always the pee test.  Sometimes they take it from your hair.  Just fair warning.

  2. well, I am applying for the Sheriffs department here in AZ and we had to write down how many times we did drugs and how many years ago the last time we did it was. I would suggest that your friend tell the truth. The Sheriffs department here said it's ok if you did drugs in the past because no one is perfect but they would rather have an honest person working there than someone lie about it. We also have to take a polygraph test to see if we are telling the truth, and if you don't pass the polygraph you don't get in. Just tell him to be honest, just because he's done drugs does not disqualify him.

  3. It usually takes 10 years to pass the follicle test. If he doesn't do it anymore and passes the test, they don't even have to know.

  4. It would really depend on how long ago this was, how much smoking he was doing and if it has been long enough that it will not show up in a hair follicle test.

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