
My friend wants to know if she gets married since she is 17 in Texas, can she get her citizenship?

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My friend is 17 years old and she wanted to know if maybe she got married to the one guy that would agreee to marry her..would she be able to get her citizenship?




  1. Shes only 17,thats a terrible reason to get married,and it wont help anything anyway.I doubt she will take my advise anyway but  the guy can be in seriouse trouble if he marries her just for citizenship He can be put in prison and fined,she can be put in prison and deported with a 10 year ban from the country.,it is a very long process.You need proof you are a couple for at least two years,they dont just take someones word for it.They visit the household, He has to prove he can support them,ect.

  2. It's not so simple.  There are certain qualifications both partners must meet.  Your friend needs to check with an immigration lawyer to see what she and her potential husband would have to do for her to get citizenship.  Immigration is getting stricter about international marriages because there have been a lot of cases of citizens marrying aliens so the alien can get a greencard.  Your friend deosn't want to get caught in a false marriage.  She could get in very big trouble with the law and get deported.  If there isn't a danger of her getting deported anytime in the near future she should try going through normal immigration channels to get citizenship.

  3. yes

  4. She needs to talk with an immigration lawyer and SOON. She is not illegal right now as she is a minor but will be counted as illegal once she is 18.

    Catholic Social Services have good immigration lawyers who can help her. They charge according to income and you don't have to be Catholic to use them. Look them up online or in your local phone book. They may be listed under Catholic Charities.

  5. NO...End of Story...

    She is an illegal alien and must go Home...

  6. please don't listen to most of these idiotic people who are telling you no. most of them don't know what they are talking about and just like to talk our their ***. Now your friend, she is 17 how old is her boyfriend. lets assume he is 17 also. first are her parents legal? if not then they would have to give legal guardanship to some who is legal. someone they trust who would be willing to sign for that. then they would need someone preferable her legal guardian or his mother or father to sponsor. then after they got married they  would have to go through the regular process but most important they must get married before she turns 18 but she also needs to go to an immigratiion lawyer and also find out all marriage laws for minors in her state.

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