
My friend wants to know...?

by  |  earlier

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hi everyone. my friend has a problem. she thinks she has yeast infection but she doesnt know. she doesnt have itching or burning around the v****a but she has smelly discharge that is kind of ropey and even sometimes sticky. eww i know but does she have it?




  1. sounds like she does go to the gp and they will prescribe her something

  2. Tell your friend that she is fine but that YOU have a yeast infection or urinary tract infection (UTI). Stop putting things in there that do not belong.

  3. She may.. Yeast infections affect people iin different ways. Tell her to speak with her doctor/gynocologist!

  4. go to the doctor before it gets worse

  5. The only way she can find out is through her doctor. She also should not try to treat what is going on with over the counter medications UNLESS her doctor tells her so.

    In the meantime, she can use a panty liner and change it throughout the day. As well, she should use only a mild soap to bathe with. Lastly, she should wear 100% loose fitting cotton underwear and have a couple of glasses of cranberry juice a day.

    She should see her doctor... that simple.

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