
My friend wants to make up, even though she really hurt me. Advice Please!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Basically December last year, my friend H told me that my friend Z was using me for a lift to a gig we were all going to, and she wasn't really going to be good mates with me after woods (No H wasn't lying!)

Then after I confronted Z and told her I was upset she was using me, she denied it. This has meant us two not talking since December.

She has now asked if we could be friends as she doesn't know what she did wrong. :S

I don't know what to do, whether i'm just being petty, because it was a long time ago, but then using a friend (I believe) is really unfair!!

Please Help!!!



Ps. Sorry if that didn't make sence!!




  1. Yeah it kinda didn't make sense but that's ok. Ummm well I had a friend problem and it happend last year and I haven't been this girls friend sense. And I don't feel like she should be forgiven YET! xD I not for sure do what you think is right..

  2. This has happened with me 2 or 3 times with my frenemy, and she had hurt me, i had 2 apologize cuz she is real vicious when she gets nasty, and she hurt me again, i had ta apologize, she hurt me again, i had to apologize, she hurt me again, i had to apologize and then i just stopped trusting her. She wasn't worth being friends with and she wasn't worth the pain and heartache. I am never going to look back. You don't need people like that in your life. And now we treat each other like frenemy's. But then again, she was the queen bee and so if she didn't like me, nobody else did, but thankfully i had the bestest friends EVER.

    hope this helps.  

  3. Explain what she did wrong - if she appologises then yes, make up if not just say to her there's no point.

  4. Thats nothing,i had a friend who back stabbed me and made me get dumped by my girlfriend a few years ago and turned everybody against me all because i told him that his girlfriend was flirting me and using him,he didnt believe me and thought i was trying to split him and his girlfriend up that he had only know for 2 months and i had known him for 7 years.Be warned when it comes to relationships your friends will turn nasty so keep that in mind.Its sounds like bitchyness to me just still be her friend its just rumours going around she hasnt done anything bad.Also remember this keep your mouth shut and dont talk about anything regarding your friends to anybody unless its possitive dont ****** behind thier backs and you will keep your good mates that way.

  5. Since you haven't talked to her for a long time, it sounds like you were really upset.  Do you want to be her friend?  You could look at the situation in it being a big or small thing.  But either way, Z should probably be a person who won't hurt you again for her to be your friend.

  6. Its never too late to make up..  Yeh she hurt your feelings but she wants to make up. If she didnt care about you she wouldnt bother to make up.

    Just tell her how much it hurt you.. if she is a real friend she will never do something like that again. Everyone deserves a second chance :)


  7. I wouldn't be friends with her,

    Chances are she'll use you again.

    hope this helped please answer my quetstion tooo!!;...

  8. give her a chance

  9. It made sense. It sounds like she would be a very bad friend, so there's no point in trying to rekindle a friendship. She's probably just looking to use you again. I would be tempted to tell her:

    I don't believe for a second that you forgot what happened last December. I'm not going to waste my time repeating it to you, so please leave me alone.

    and be done with it.

  10. Forgive and forget .  It's hard but try it.

  11. it depend on what is in her hard but i think if she hurt you once she will do it twice so except to be her friend but not like the same as before like  just hi and bye .

    and do not let her laugh at you by : i am sorry forgive me.

    i am sure that she will do something as same as before.

  12. give her a chance......thats all i can say

  13. Forgive and forget :) thats always my motto!

    unless she does it again; in which case don't!

  14. Sounds like she really wants to be your friend.  People make mistakes sometimes, so why not forgive the mistake and give her another chance?  

  15. deep down u know she will never change and she will be out to hurt u - such pple have low self esteem and to make themselves feel better they find a 'friend' to hurt constantly - i have such a friend before and for my own sanity i cut her out of my life for good! and ihave had a blast since!!!

  16. stay her friend, forgive as God has forgiven


    I'm italian

  17. i think it didnt make sense because you didnt tell us how you found out z wasnt lying,i think something did happen.   if she was that hurtful tell her that you dont want to be friends with losers anymore and give it to her straight because she is treating you like a loser!

  18. u should gave her a chance but firstly u should  thought she had always do a good behaviour or bad behaviour with u.

  19. Just give her a second chance. Probably she did it in good faith. Anyone deserves a this chance.

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